
I was thinking the same thing.  ND showed the diversity in their memebers, while VA just exploited Unique's voice and tranniness.

I seriously haven't loved a holiday special that much since The Rugrats Mother's Day episode in '97, I was like nine years old, lol.  Every role was perfect for the characters and Jimmy's reluctance kept it from spiraling into a complete catastrophe, while still retaining realistic behavior of those involved in our

This is a great synopsis of a great episode.

You seem to get the idea. Good job!

I replied on my phone and forgot to look back before I submitted the post. Typos happen.

I too prefer her as a red head.

Prove it

"For those of us who aren’t big Handler fans, who, indeed, find her kind of tiresome, well, there’s not much here to draw us in otherwise."

Best response ever.

Lol, it's like that extreme super ball thing where they bounce them off walls and shit into a cup.  It was funny even though it was really filler.

While Santana is my favorite character of the series, I'd like to see more range in her acting ability before she gets a show.  Giving her a show now would capitalizes on her bitchiness, which would probably be the beginnings of a type casting future.  This was definitely the best episode for her yet, but again and