What no mention of the flamethrower attachment?
What no mention of the flamethrower attachment?
@Golgari: Actually from the perspective of it being "Hollywood" its perfectly fine.
@Ashurahori: If you still have a sega saturn, while not as complex Iron Storm was another great WWII strategy title.
@Ashurahori: Forgot to mention that trailer is from the PC version.
@Koztah: They do the dumbest shit. Well to us anyways. And that goes the same for our own "allies" in the country. Personal accounts / reports solidify this too much to our dismay.
@ViperVin: 2 possible answers.
@Ashurahori: Was hex board, turn based.
@Ashurahori: Namco made MotoGP.
@Koztah: Well its basic "shoot n scoot" tactics of laying down suppressive fire as one team advances then repeating the process.
@Ashurahori: Winning 11, "Other football (soccer) / Baseball games", Enthusia (racing game), Deep Blue, MotoGP, Over G, WWII strategy games, the list can continue.
@Nethlem: Most likely that was the documentary on Operation Anaconda.
@kasika: Asides from civilians no.
@Witzbold: Got the left / right reversed for the patches. Union Jack + Blood Type O Positive right side. 9-11 and airborne patch Left side.
@-MasterDex-: Well thankfully Japan has a steam store too though not sure what the pricing is like there. Since Im always looking at the US store with the slightly "adjusted" "international" pricing.
@Unknown-User: I do hope that my good friend who has "been there and done that" doesnt mind me quoting him. Here since what he says is very true in regards to the difference of the 2 games single player campaigns.
@pandoravetto: In general for the US military women are not allowed into any direct combat roles, same goes for the Special Forces. Which is why you will almost never (new SOCOM game on the PS3 *not out yet is an exception) see a female model in use.
@Brian Ashcraft: In other news I saw an add on that massive screen in Shinjuku with Konishiki and man did he lose a lot of weight!
@Snoochtastic: Totally missing the point. Its a bad PR stunt for not only the company but the person wearing the outfit.
@Grimm808: Thats the other chick if you check the original link.