*explaining to Jax
*explaining to Jax
This version of Malcolm is from the future (or present timeline 2016?) and does have one hand, his left hand is a prosthetic one in a black glove, like we saw in Arrow.
He also mentioned Laurel's death
Wait, is the SW we saw actually SHIELD World? In different timelines?
Yoyo wouldn't use her speed to travel through time and somehow mess it up, would she?
Wait… oops… sorry… same day, wrong show
I thought the same, especially when Aida had a puzzling facial expression when hearing Daisy, Fitz, and Simmons talked about getting out in one piece. And now she had the chance to understand the pains, she may think the best way to prevent those pains is to keep all agents away from the field.
Well, there was once a human girl not and Android (or Gynoid) who said "Smile" to a guy then snapped his neck.
Yes, midseason breaks never do any shows good. Never
Not arguable, it's a fact
Draco Malfoy and the Alchemy's Stone.
Draco Malfoy and the Secret Flash's Room
IKR, Ian and Mickey has such a chemistry that he doesn't share with Caleb or Trevor. This episode proves that undoubtedly.
There was a scene where Ian pulled Mickey over to kiss him while holding his baby son before Mickey went to "work" that I almost believed the writers would keep them together as one of the few good endings in the end.
IKR, the most supportive and caring one to Ian's bipolar is the one to trigger it. I hope the writers won't follow this path.
Dream Rumple: "Off to craze some fake villages." Did Rumple just break the fourth wall here?
He probably is a time remnant… sorry, a dream remnant
I'm sorry Cisco and Felicity came to rescue by attacking a government secret facility and it wasn't on screen. WTH, that is a big F for me.
Don't forget how Cisco awkwardly checked Felicity's wireless keyboard (You didn't want to vibe that, did you Cisco because I doubt Oliver would ever touch a keyboard)
Well, Thea's dream is to brutally stab her biological father to the heart.
I was almost afraid that it was an excuse to write Thea off the show. Luckily it didn't happen
Ray and his fiancé were attacked by Mirakuru soldiers and she was killed.
Diggle lost a brother to HIVE ghosts.
All five of them had to face off the worst enemies in their minds
Shame on anyone who ever thought that last night episode of Flash could be best crossover episode ever.
Maggie: Hi Sara, this is Maggie. Remember me, from Class of 09. We should meet, there is a class reunion coming up.