
Actually, it can. I recall reading (while studying special education) about a very poor speller (dyslexic) who is still a poor speller by hand, but who has become a much better (but not perfect) speller by keyboard. It's all to do with the muscle memory attached to the whole word as opposed to the individual letters.

My thought/question as well.

Go to evernote web. That's the notification I was receiving in my app. When I logged in to the web with my old password, it just took me straight to changing my password. Worst case, go to the web app and click "forgot my password" to reset it.

I'm so tired of the x+y*2/z where z is your birth month formulas or, worse yet, the flat out "64 ounces a day or you'll DIE!"

Wait, what? Why? Don't end it there, for the gods' sake! Did he make money or something? DO TELL! Frikkin' tease! At least give us a link and some poor grammar, dammit!

It's a good thing I just got my sarcasm detector recalibrated.

A couple times, and then I learned to be more careful. I weigh things like this all the time. (Weighing is far better than measuring by volume for dieting.)

Are you kidding? Just put your mixing bowl of cup or whatever onto the scale, tare it, and then measure directly into the target container.

Aren't you putting the honey or whatever into something? Such as a bowl? Probably with other ingredients in it? Just put that bowl on the scale, tare it to zero, and then add the desired ingredient until you meet the needed weight.

I'd sign up for that. (Another woman, here.) Right now my standard "uniform" is one item of color and everything else black, white, grey, or denim. I'm sure I can wear some of the colors together, but I'm too nervous to actually do it.

I've been really happy with the Progressive Fruit and Vegetable Keepers (thought I didn't bother with the smallest one). It keeps my sweet peppers delightfully crisp, my grapes juicy and mold-free, my dark greens fresh and perky, and... you get the idea. The only thing it hasn't been able to save is iceberg lettuce,

Did you mean with the skin? (referring to the kiwis) I've heard that it's edible, but haven't been sure about throwing it in my green smoothies.

I'm not affiliated other than being a satisfied customer, but this seems like a good time to plug laptoplunches.com. Love the containers and the whole system. I've ordered a bunch of a particular size of inner containers and have developed a habit of cooking meals for two (I'm single), eating one serving for dinner,

Ha! Good reading, indeed. I always thought the purpose of an overflow was just to annoy me and waste perfectly good soaking water.

Awe. Some.

I don't know what article you read, but this article says absolutely no such thing.

Yeah, really. What's this "guesswork" of which they speak?

Meh. Fat is not the big bugaboo it's made out to be. Excess fat is.

I have to say that I agree with the criticisms of hanging up magazines in the closet, BUT... I realized that I could use this for my magazines in the bathroom. (Yes, I'm a bathroom reader. Yougotaproblemwithhthat?) The only subscriptions I still have are the ones my mom gives me every year, but yes, I am on the third

"Ok. Your turn to be on top."