I get what you're saying, but sometimes the best comments don't get many responses, which means it will likely be hidden or lost.
I get what you're saying, but sometimes the best comments don't get many responses, which means it will likely be hidden or lost.
You can't, until and unless blueTonic updates his(?) Chrome plugin to work with LH. If and when he(?) does, I highly recommend the plugin.
Judging from the article's claim that a serving has "a third of the recommended amount of calories, protein and carbohydrate," I'd guess about 2000/3 calories.
If you somehow change them to Pita Pocket Pepper Pizzas, you'd get much closer to the RDA of alliteration.
This. Definitely this.
Well, duh. You only steal an extra slice every three and 1/3 days. Consider it a leap meal.
Beautifully said.
Maybe, but it's not happening on all macs. My mac is fine... so far.
Mog was in the top running for me, partly because I love the other-artists slider, but the lack of a ban or thumbs-down on mobile drove me away.
You're not alone. I feel like I've tried them all: Spotify, Mog, Rdio... But I keeping going back to Slacker. Primary reasons: ability to ban a song/artist, station fine-tuning, and station caching.
Can't you just write it down as as upcoming project and let it out of your head so you'd still have a "mind like water"?
It all depends. Will multitaskers be more successful at reproduction?
Hmm... You and I clearly have different definitions of impossible. They're no more difficult to clean than a tall glass. All you need is a bottle brush and you're gold. Moreover, this one is dishwasher safe, so... yeah.
Oh, the trolls are killing me. I will not respond, I will not respond, I will not...
Oh, what a thing of beauty. Thank you for pointing this out, and thanks to blueTunic for developing it.
I fondly remember that confusing me one day as a cab driver with Spanish-speaking passengers. "A la izquierdo." I turn left. "A la derecha." I turn right. "Derecho." I start to turn right again. "No, no! Derecho!" I stop in utter confusion and turn to see them pointing straight ahead. I started venting to another cab…
Oh, no. That's always good. Even if he's not a snorer.
This strikes me as a case where one person's sense of aesthetic interferes with usability. It's too difficult to read the upcoming forecasts, for example. There's a reason why monochrome screens were discarded as quickly as possible.
Oh, I'm not alone! It ALWAYS smells sour to me. That's part of the reason I switched to Silk (the other reason is pure numminess). When Silk goes, there's absolutely no question about it.
My parents, who grew up in Germany during the war, have cast-iron stomachs. I, however, being a wimpy American who never had to develop such a stomach, have had salmonella / food poisoning more times than I can count. More than once, I've prayed to whatever deity to either "let me die now" or "make it stop," truly not…