
No, the math confused me as well. Also, I have never seen any dietary site claim that an apple or banana is more than one cup of fruit. In fact, most resources claim that a whole apple or banana, regardless of size, is equivalent to a single half-cup serving, but that's just ludicrous.

Perhaps you want to start with more fruit and less leafy greens and then slowly change the ratio to more leafy greens and less fruit.

Totally unnecessary. It's gross to think about, but all that is needed to start a compost pile is already on the food and other materials you threw into the pile. If nothing is happening, your pile is too dry and/or you need to add more greens (nitrogen-rich materials). If your pile is stinking, your pile needs to be

Using the "make a sentence" method as listed above seems like it would cause confusion between five and four and six and seven (two and three would be ok by differentiating T and Th).

Did you try hitting Run/Stop?

Haha, yeah. I was wondering why I would want to replace the new routine with the old one. Some people are just too afraid to end sentences with prepositions.

Agreed. It's also tough to iron both sides of a shirt at the same time. Of course, that may only apply to women's fitted dress shirts. When I own a home, I plan on having one of those nifty built-in ironing board cabinets. I think that's really the best solution all around.

That is beautiful. Thanks for posting.

Actually, it's a tablespoon, and you should take it all at once on a spoon.

Well, if anything, it would lighten the color and you'd think that you were more hydrated than you really are, but it seems that the shades pretty much match up. I think the chart keeps in mind the color in the average bowl, not the color in a cup.

I'm telling you guys, if the idea of "Don't Break the Chain" sounds good to you, but you find it a little inflexible for reality, you really need to look into [beeminder.com]. Since discovering it last month, I've truly become addicted. I've used it to increase my fruit/veggie intake, track my weight loss, keep a

Ha! Yeah, you need to ignore the post-vitamin pee. :)

While you're doing all this, don't forget the biggest cause of chapped lips: dehydration. Chapping is my first signal that I'm not getting enough water.

I know the true topic here is more broad, but in the event that anyone faces that question about performance reviews, here's how I'd recommend handling it:

Ooh, a thin reflective tap in the car door. Sounds great. Doesn't that count as an open beverage, though? ;)

Note the website's name. The target audience isn't folks looking for health; they're bodybuilders looking to bulk up.

Don't forget overpriced! Triple threat!

If you're going 'poo free, you really should go 'cone (silicone) free as well. With my fine hair, I can't do the no 'poo (have repeatedly done it with adequate time to adjust) but I am going sulfate and silicone free with outstanding results.

Ah. That could be it. It seems awfully wasteful considering how easy it is to wash off, but it's at least an explanation I can sort of accept. Thanks.

Can someone explain why the lid should be lined with foil? I've been making popcorn in regular pots for years with the same basic technique (minus the aluminum lining) and just can't figure out the point of the foil.