
I haven’t seen my best friend from high school in two years. She went off to college in London, and is staying there to pursue her career because all of her contacts are there. I went to visit in April of 2015, and haven’t seen her since then. Looking back at our messages, we seem to have went a year without even

What? Hell no dude it gives me goosebumps like crazy! It’s like the sensation of someone catching your back or your head. It just feels really good.

That’s from the Spider-Man 3 movie tie-in game you fuck

Text me. I love to play games! Wait wait wait... I like to play hardcore games!

Nearly 5 years ago? I mean you could stretch it like that sure but it hasn’t even been 4 years yet


As soon as I saw those colors together I knew it was uncharted 2. That game was such a masterpiece, really left an impression on me as a kid.

As soon as I saw those colors together I knew it was uncharted 2. That game was such a masterpiece, really left an

Maybe it’s because I pass well and am white, but I haven’t experienced many problems in my time. I did have a doctor ask me what transgender is once before I transitioned, so that was fucking stupid. But yeah, it’d be hella cool if more insurances would cover GCS because hot damn do I not want to pay 30% of

Hah these stupid fucking laws don’t even work. It’s a waste of taxpayer money that doesn’t do anything. Good luck with reelection assholes.

My thoughts on this are interesting. Nothing in this budget helps people. This budget, if passed, will hurt a lot of folks in a lot of ways. Maybe, just maybe, getting these things taken away is what we collectively need to wake up the people who never vote. Do I want this budget passed? No, I myself rely on food

Okay, lets play a game. You think that 2+2=5. You know that’s right. You can feel it in your heart. You grew up in a household where that’s the only thing that was taught. That’s fine, it’s not your fault. But everyone around you says 2+2=4. This obviously goes against everything you’ve ever been taught in your life.

According to some tweets by washpo and nytimes that seems to be the point!

I just can’t watch this. It seems far too real, and because of the political issues right now only amplifies my anxiety. If it’s otherwise good please tell me, I’m just super nervous to get invested in it.

So like... do you have a beef with cole or something? Yeah the dudes got money but he’s worked for it and still is. He and his brother seem like generally decent dudes, so I say more power to him whatever he decides to do in life.

As a transwoman even I agree that the boy briefs are the comfiest. While hopefully later on I might find comfort in other styles, boy brief and bikini are my current bae’s

As a transwoman even I agree that the boy briefs are the comfiest. While hopefully later on I might find comfort in

As annoying as this is to me, I think it is important to understand that there are rules in place like this, and we cannot always expect them to bend for certain circumstances. The authority over admittance should definitely talk to the team more in depth on this, but the team themselves should understand that with no

Misspelled “*to read about amazing things”

It’s so cool go read about amazing things other trans women have done. Just followed your twitter, hope to keep seeing great things from you :>

Anyone know what the song in that trailer was? It was pretty cool!

Is it bad that I saw the hair clip and immediately knew this manga/anime?