
Yep. And it is a matter of public record. And these fucks will end up wearing this albatross around their necks for the rest of their careers. And it. Will. Be. Glorious.

I really want to see the melt down on live TV where someone, anyone, just blurts out “OBAMA!” the next time one of these dolts asks “Who could have done it better?” 

That interview was damning. He doesn't see black people. 

That’s baked in. The Berners are already planning to show their whole entire ass at the convention. Nothing changes the fact that The Great Revolution died this week. All we need now is to wheel the body to the morgue.

But casting his failings as somehow the fault of black people who are afraid of change is peak whiteness.”

Nelson Mandela was in jail for the first 30 years. Not a Congressman.

Did you really just draw a comparison of Bernie Sanders to Nelson Mandela?

Now playing

Tabby, I totally understand that. My father was very abusive and brutal. I regret taking care of him when he got terminal. It really traumatized me and I am still picking up the pieces.

Isn’t it interesting how if you have a friend who acts like an ass, it’s perfectly acceptable to cut them out, no questions asked. But a parent who abuses, neglects, dehumanizes and generally fucks with their child’s mind, they should be forgiven because “that’s your mom/dad” and “I’m sure they tried their

Please give me the strength. I’m browsing Jezebel from the bathroom I’m pretending to need to use while avoiding A Required Family Event.

The “but he’s your father/she’s your mother/he’s your brother/etc.” thing is THE FUCKING WORST. Being related to someone isn’t an excuse for abuse, neglect, manipulation, or any other shitty behavior. If anything, relatives should try to do better by their own.

Happy Mother’s Day y’all!

My mom tried to run me over with her car at Christmas and I have only spoken to her once since then. And somehow I feel like the piece of shit in this whole situation.

haha I was gonna say society worships the parenting lifestyle! I am having a blast without kids as well ;) And for some reason everyone seems to think that involves excessive amounts of partying. I just like to sleep and do thins on a whim!

I actually do regret having them and it feels horrible to admit, especially when no one else in my world has ever admitted it to me. I will say this, though: my oldest will be 15 in a couple of weeks and man, he is actually a pleasure to be around. As in, I genuinely enjoy his company and don't in any way feel like

I know a few happy parents, but I generally see unhappy parents. I've known since I was ten that I didn't want kids and wasn't going to have them. I think to myself, how can these people be so programmed by society that they can't hear their own feelings of not wanting to do this?

Absolutely. I want people who want kids to be able to have them, and I want people who question it or don't want it, to not have kids. There's enough resentment and unhappiness and frankly, people in this world. I feel like I am doing a service to to myself, my husband and the world by choosing not to. And I'm

I've never wanted kids but now that my friends have started having them I'm even more sure. I rarely hear anyone say anything positive about parenting.

I hear it occasionally. I think what really gets a lot of parents is the repetitiveness of dealing with kids, and how constant and endless it is, topped with worry. You do the same things, especially when they're little: change diaper, feed, burp, put to sleep, play with baby, take to toilet, read same bedtime story

I didn't want kids when I got married 32 years ago. Now, I'm really happy to say I didn't give in to the societal pressures that still existed then. And so many of my friends whispered "you were right" after their kids were born