I would rather see links on Jez' front page to the blogs and tumblrs of black and latino feminist writers than links to non-feminist Gawker sites.
I would rather see links on Jez' front page to the blogs and tumblrs of black and latino feminist writers than links to non-feminist Gawker sites.
Good lord. I'm sorry your complicity in promoting Hugo's racism and misogyny has been so difficult for you, Jessica.
Where are the writers of color to cover this issue? Why do the comments do a better job of explaining the showdown then the arthur of a feminist blog?
Yeah. This is completely unacceptable. I will be the first to admit that I had no idea what was going on until i started sifting through links in the comment section of this article (I peruse Jezebel exclusively for my daily dose of feminist commentary-mostly because I am too lazy to get used to another set of…
But wasn't this started by a situation Jezebel helped cause? You can't just make a half-ass apology and then try to apologize for your apology by supporting people who are angry at you. Y'all need to either write an article about the situation or ignore it altogether, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
One of the tweets circulating with the hashtag predicted that when the tweets were collected, tweets from white women would dominate the collection. That's some sad awful irony right here
Mikki Kendall first used the hashtag. Check out #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen Creator, Mikki Kendal, Speaks About Women Of Color, Feminism (VIDEO) http://huff.to/1cL1fuM@freedom_writer: Feminism Is Not Black And White http://frsky.me/1bsBvjG
Essentially, Jill Filipovic and other white feminsts who looooooove Hugo were encouraging him to stop his rant on Twitter where he was admitting and apologizing for his abuse of his privileges and his transgressions against women of color, and telling him he should seek professional help for his mental illness before…
The hashtag is just the one that Mikki Kendall used when she initially stareted commenting on the subject. It snowballed from there. Basically the idea is that in feminism we're supposed to be in solidarity with other women, but the way that feminism has actually functioned is to only be in solidarity with white…
My feeling is that they gave it to the person who most wanted to see it written, but then hamstrung her by either directly or indirectly communicating boundaries that could not be crossed. Boundaries that implicate Jezebel or her closest internet allies, natch. Without being able to tell that story, the story just…
Erin, girl. I like you a lot but what is this article? So Jezebel just gon' not talk about what prompted this? LOL I should be surprised but alas.
I would bet money that you're white.
Basically Hugo Schwyzer wormed his way into feminist spaces and used white feminists as a shield against criticism for his racism from WoC. WoC complained, Hugo blackballed and harassed them, and the WoC were labelled troublemakers for making a fuss.
She said AHEM. Is that not enough?
Hmm... no mention of the situation that precipitated the hashtag, in which Jezebel is complicit? Okay.
I'm impressed that you can so calmly accept feeding into Hugo, propping him up, and thus contributing to his ability to harm WOC bloggers and undermine them consistently. That's real great that you can just let it all go and accept that you did your best despite all the voices telling you the truth, that Hugo helped…