
Seriously, still only "around 300 horsepower"...its time to bump that up Subaru, the game has moved forward.

She will be mine...oh yes...

the Ace Palm Springs, great hotel

and are insanely expensive!

Humans are a natural process as we are part of the ecosystem

I was just looking at those as well, seems like a great platform for adventures and hijinks of all sorts.

I have the hopes

Wow...just wow. This thing might work in the more money than brains club, but to anyone who really knows and loves boats, excuse me..."Yachts" as this abomination claims to be, would laugh this thing out of the harbor, especially with the 800 HP twin diesel motors! Where the hell would they go? Didn't they even

I would hope that no matter how much you make, if you have committed to buying one you would take it offroad

It is interesting that people always seem to forget that buying a new Land Cruiser is almost as expensive as an ICON, well maybe 2/3rds the price but you get my point.

Dont care so much about the D200, Im more into the Land Cruisers and even the wee jeep they make.

That is for sure a valid question, I know what my answer is, and probably yours as well. Unfortunately something tells me that most people that have these do not get anywhere near dirt.

I hear what your saying but the prices definitely arent that crazy considering the amount of designwork, time and thought that has gone into them. If you look at any number of other "remanufacturers" or customizers they are in the same ball park on price but no where near on quality and design. To put things in

Seems to me the 2002 family is a real BMW, as is the E30 M3, and they both have what types of engines...4 cylinders...

Well, first off we never got that car in the states, so really who cares. Also it was a heavy all wheel drive wagon with a penchant for serious understeer, so yea, thats the same thing.

Ummm...964 911 gt3 cup car? is that a thing?

Im right there with you, it does look great!

I actually had a friend who had one of those, his was super or turbo charged, I dont recall. Weird car for sure.

Couldnt agree more! They are the embodiment of douchebag.

This is obviously a great looking and performing car, no doubt about that. But I am one of those minority that would still rather have a wagon. I know that Audi says there is not sufficient demand for wagons of any type and that might be true. However Mercedes still brings limited quantities of wagons over