Wit & Giggles

First, it’s apparent that quite a number of people agree with me, and I would venture to guess they’ve all had the same or similar experiences. No one here has verbally assaulted me, but it happened to my group a couple of weeks ago when we were discussing this very topic in a bar. We felt the way you did, up until

The only people excluding anyone are the transwomen verbally assaulting cisgender women when we express discomfort at having dicks literally forcing themselves in our women’s-only area. We welcome transwomen in the space if they’re respectful and cover their dicks. They (and allies like you) deny and downplay our exper

It’s not a minority of your group when it’s frequently happening both online and IRL.

I do think bi/pan women really are gay and being terrified to come out applies to us lesbians as well... but once again that misogyny you’ve been raised in gives you the ego to believe that transwomen are so much more victimized.

When the Trans community is telling cis women that “Women’s-only doesn’t mean penis-free” (on this site), calling us transphobic when we disagree with that statement (IRL when discussing the dick-in-a-women’s-room-scenario), and literally telling us that we’re “not a lesbian” if we don’t want to suck their dick (IRL),

So you're just arguing to argue- you're bored, I got it. Maybe get some weed? 

She settled and signed on for another Disney film; her only issue with the lawsuit was the money she would have got if they hadn’t streamed it.

You’re willing to make money at any cost, and I’m not. Disney DID go to her with a new contract but she refused it because she didn’t want to lose money. I don't understand people like you, but that's something I can live with. 

Lol, why do you think NO OTHER DISNEY ACTOR/ESS co-sued? They ALL adjusted their contracts- she was the lone holdout because she wanted that money. This is the same actress who *essentially* called Dylan Farrow a liar (she didn’t use those explicit words, but it was incredibly patronizing) because of Scarlett

I have no problem taking the concerns of the LGBT community at face value. These are real issues. With that said, a few questions.

I’m Team Anti-Covid Spread. I wish I could post the screengrab, so this is just a good faith post (which as an internet rando i don’t expect you to trust) but it’s been leaked (by Disney probably) that Johansson refused the contractual change, attempting to block all streaming channels,  because she didn’t want to

FWIW: God only knew that Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge when He/Her/They saw the humans clothed and “ashamed of their nakedness”.

This is what happens when cisgender, heterosexual women are kicked out of feminism, and for evidence just look at the Kardashians, the Real Housewives, the moms of TikTokers...but, SPECIFICALLY, their legion of fans.

That’s the weird thing, we all know why. She thinks she had a chance to unseat Schumer next year.

I personally don’t care why she cried. I dont need an explanation for human emotion.

Did she bump her head during the Summer or something?

A purity test she built for herself. A purity test she weaponizes against everyone else.

What’s crazier is, China has pressured a number of Muslim-majority nations to do its bidding regarding Uyghurs.  

oh noes she failed an impossible purity test, we’d better eat her