Wit & Giggles

My child is 9, and so we’ve got:
Lego City under construction
Baking projects because hubby panic-bought a 50-lb bag of flour that will go bad long before we can use it all
Organize/deep clean the house
Installing a real back-yard garden because, y’all, this is supposed to go on for 18 more months.
Learn how to extend the

I grew up watching Kids in the Hall, Beavis and Butthead, and Ren and Stimpy...I don’t understand this because I’m old...I guess?
I just don’t get it, and loved him on Difficult People, but I just don’t get this.

Democratic voters must now quit claiming to be the party that Cares About People.
Sorry Poors, you don’t get healthcare! We love our money too much, and refuse to raise taxes a bit to get everyone healthcare.
Sorry Working Moms, we don’t care enough about you and your children to raise our taxes. We’re not greedy, you

Democratic voters must now quit claiming to be the party that Cares About People.
Sorry Poors, you don’t get healthcare! We love our money too much, and refuse to raise taxes a bit to get everyone healthcare.
Sorry Working Moms, we don’t care enough about you and your children to raise our taxes. We’re not greedy, you

You are advocating for Biden, and actively bashing Bernie.
I don’t believe that you could back Warren (my choice, and my primary vote) and not back Bernie (they ran on an almost identical platform).

If warren was you preferred candidate then there is no possible way you could be advocating so hard for Biden. He is literally everyhthing she fought against during her campaign.

Why would she support a neoconservative like Biden? He is pulling Never Trumpers because he is a neoconservative.
He is literally everything she campaigned against, and it would be hypocritical for her to do so. I would be actively pissed if she backed a neoconservative like Biden.

They the new neoconservatives.
Uneducated, unhealthy, underfunded society so they don’t have to pay any more in taxes.

Yes, you want to keep taxes low, not allow universal healthcare, universal childcare, or free college education.
You want an ignorant, unhealthy, underfunded society.
Congrats, you’re apart of the new Republicans!

Yeah, you would rather have a neoconservative like Biden.
Leave the democratic party, go to the libertarians you greedy fuck.

Why do you not give a shit about your fellow American?
Why are you so fucking greedy that you are willing to pay to send generations of kids to war, but not for Universal Childcare? Not for Universal Healthcare?
Go join the fucking Libertarians.

Yes, you are wrong, because you are actively preventing people from attaining insurance by voting for a neoconservative who has said that it is impossible to give non-wealthy americans affordable insurance. He fought for the mandate to appease the insurance companies.

Joe Biden is actively fighting against any chance for reform in the country...he is as bad as Trump in that ONE PARTICULAR ASPECT (FAR DIFFERENT THAN SAYING HE IS THE SAME AS TRUMP, just to make that crystal fucking clear and attempt to prevent a ridiculous tangent).
This is a man who has convinced the left that his

I AM WITH YOUR HUSBAND 100%...I am a SAHM because half of my paycheck went to daycare, the other to help cover taxes that my income helped us incur due being pushed into a higher tax bracket.

My husband and I took the financial hit, and I became a SAHM because half of my check was going to day care ($20k), we were down to one car, and the tax burden wasn’t worth the few pennies that I had leftover. I was working to pay someone else to take care of my kid, and I didn’t see the benefit. Yeah, my quality of

I voted for Warren in the early elections...by the time Tuesday night rolled around I wish that I had voted for Bernie because Biden took Texas and I hate him with a passion.
I voted Jill Stein in 2016 because Hillary lost me with her victim shaming of the survivors of her husband’s rape. As a rape survivor, she made

I hate Biden with every cell in my being, and I am so freaking angry that I am going to have to vote for him in November. So. Fucking. Angry. Like, beat on a punching bag for 30 minutes while screaming stuff that startled me angry. I think I despise Biden more than Trump, on a personal level, because he took a very

Oh, I think they learn to hone it and use it more stealthily from the older guys. Two peas in a motherfuckin’ pod that group is.

Those racist pricks raised racist kids...I’ve heard the most vile racist shit spewed from the mouths of children who learned it from family members. I think more often than not people ‘brush it off’ because they’re kids (or youths, see: Camila Cabello).
And 20-year-old white men are the most violent because they get a

*Sorry, selfish reply:
I wrote something along this lines in the comments of the Coronavirus article on Gizmodo, and was called several names and told to recuse myself from society. I wrote in response to the hate, “Go to the comments section of articles about rape, child abuse, and animal abuse, and you’ll find