Wit & Giggles

While earning my Biology degree, I had to take a course “Biology Seminar” which was entirely focused on teaching us how to collect data, process/analyze data, and write a reputable research paper.
I hated the course, thought it was a waste of money and time, but now I’m incredibly grateful because this is some

Someone else commented, and I agree with them, Target has a great selection of comfortable, decently made, wonderfully priced bras. I have a larger bust (38DD) and their bras fit great.
I am super pissed though that they’re ending their Champion brand collaboration because sports bras and leggings were JFC-great.

On the whole I agree, but it’s the on-the-fence idjits that I think need to read this shit only so that they can finally read/hear something that gets them to take a stand for someone. Lines have got to start being drawn, because the fence-sitters are standing on the sidelines, telling themselves that everything’s

At this point, the blame lay completely on the Trump voting bloc. His base love everything he says, and does, to the point of worship. Evangelicals didn’t rise up in protest to his second coming re-tweet (which was re-tweeted by an Evangelical who only claims his Jewish heritage to make his second-coming statements-

I guess if you take out areas like Yemen, Syria, Central and South American countries...and even then the 1st world areas aren’t looking so hot either. I was referencing global activities, where LGBT members are routinely killed (and no, I’m not only referencing “Muslim” countries as radicalized Christians are

I really don’t know how to compartmentalize my anger at everything going on in this country. On the one hand, I feel that humanity at a whole deserves to be exterminated [the damage we’re inflicting on the environment, the utter lack of concern for the welfare of others (whether it’s children dying from starvation in

Watching ‘Supernatural’ and listening to the classic rock songs makes me nostalgic for the days of the guitar solo (just enough to get annoyed at the arbitrary pop-star rap interlude).

I once made an obnoxious grammar-Nazi facebook post.

My mother-in-law told my family at *my* grandmother’s Thanksgiving dinner that my son (who was 2 months old) would “run away and leave me for a tattoo’d slut just like his dad.” And that’s the least offensive thing she said. The first thing she told me was that she saved my husband from an abortion because his real

There are so many important things to freak out about when raising a kid that who he winds up loving is the only thing not on that list. Whether he is kind, generous, thoughtful, hard-working, and independent- to not be the stereotypical asshole- are what we’re concerned about. <3

Ugh, yes. My kid (boy) is a month from turning 9, and it weirds me out when people say things like that. I disagree with PaintedTrollop about the “little man” comment, because I think it comes from when children act far older than their “age”. There are times when my kid (as does every kid) shows a maturity (that is

April and Andy would agree...

After reading the article, what I get from the author was, “But Tesla!” That they pointed out explicitly that the door was answered by a young woman ‘no older than twenty’, and internally questioned this, and still fucking chose to hound him about fucking Tesla, makes me want to scream (read: punch) the writer in the

Your entire reply is a giant warning of “I didn’t get enough attention as a child, and so I post contrarian comments to get replies”, ya idjit. 

For Halloween this year, I want to dress up like Dale Gribble and give out ‘The Family’ flyers along with the candy.

He wouldn’t be properly impeached unless the Senate approves it, and they never will. The Netflix documentary “The Family” covers the deluded method of justifying Trump’s blatant anti-Christian actions with the fact that he’s surrounded himself with Evangelicals that believe God put Trump in office and it’s their

The Clinton Conspiracy Theories are there to distract from Clinton’s sexual assault allegations. Juanita Broaddrick, Leslie Millwee, and Paula Jones all accused Clinton of sexually assaulting them, and for nearly 30 years they’ve all been called horrible names and labeled ‘opportunists’. Paula Jones had jokes made

The Electoral College is the true decider of the U.S. President, with the 2016 election as evidence. Clinton got 3M + votes over Trump, but the EC minority put Trump in power. Until the DNC can get their voting base to care about every other election (this involves pushing for Electoral college seats, and extracting

*having read the article*:

I agree; I don’t understand why it’s bad or “arcane” to provide useful tips to people who want to get in shape for their wedding. I don’t understand the slam-fest against any article specifically written to help women get healthy, especially given the billion-dollar a year cost of obesity-related illnesses (https://www