
That would be true if her money was invested in run-of-the-mill bonds, mutual funds, and bank accounts. Do you understand how the world of Wall Street actually works these days? Billionaires don’t put their money in actual, tangible investments. They put their money in investments based on other investments. And no

This is why we can’t have nice things.

Clearly he’s not as well versed in Bird Law as others on this thread.

Then don’t devise it on the fly. It would be a pretty simple message to teach at any stage in your practice schedule. “If we’re winning the goddamned SUPER BOWL and we need to grind clock, you get your gimpy ass off the field so long as you have two legs to do it. And if you don’t, crawl.”

I can get behind that. I suppose I just assume anyone looking to argue with me on the internet is looking to defend Trump/Bash Obama. But if we’re bashing the system, then you get my star.

Touche on the “effect the change you want” point, but that’s an overly general summation of the issue that ignores the specific dangers of Trump’s EOs. Banning Muslims, building the wall, railroading the DAPL that constitutes the last middle finger to the Native Americans that our government has to give...the intent

At best that’s revisionist history, because Obama was no worse than Dubya in his use of EOs. But any criticisms of Dubya were lost to the sands of time, just as these criticisms of Obama eventually will be.

Well that’s just a matter of perspective, and continuing with this will accomplish nothing but raising both our of blood pressures. I’m not dismissing your viewpoint, but agree to disagree.

And, on a personal note, that “no mudslinging” was entirely for the commentariat, not you specifically.

Absolutely on the nose, there. That, as they say, is the question.

The issue isn’t so much that he is breaking any laws. The issue is that his use of executive orders* breaks the idea of governing in good faith alongside the legislature. Strict Constitutionalists should (but won’t) argue that the President’s only authority is that which is explicitly granted by Congress, and

The beauty of the separation of powers is that while its Congress’ job to decide what the President’s authority is, it is entirely the President’s prerogative to decide how that authority is exercised. Executive Orders directing the different parts of the executive branch (i.e. every other fucking thing in our

but I can always sync up the radio broadcast instead

Well sure. I live less than ten minutes from Hershey, so there is always a piece of Hershey’s chocolate within arm’s reach. Pretty sure that is written into the township ordinances in this area.

At the risk of being contrary just for the sake, I would defend annoying television personalities like Chris Berman by saying “So what?”

But...this comment would read much more accurately if you replaced all instances of “Clinton” with “Trump”. If you don’t think Trump is going to expand economic inequality, you apparently don’t understand how all of this works.

Light at the end of the tunnel, if there can be one: There will only ever be one Donald Trump. No one else would be able to get away with what he is getting away with. If Ted Cruz decides to read from this playbook in 4 years, he’ll get run out of town on a rail.

I just...Every one of these people that said they wanted someone who cared about them. How could they not see that they voted for the MOST self-absorbed man the human race has ever produced? How can they honestly believe that he gives a shit for anyone but himself?

He’s not wrong, speaking strictly as a businessperson. It is perfectly rational for him to see that performance as good publicity leading up to their next two seasons.

Well, the argument goes something like this: the bad things that happened under Reagan were the result of the successful implementation of his policies. The bad things that happened under Obama (like an open seat on the USSC for 11 months, for one example) have strong roots in the GOP’s political tactics. I said