
Franklin was never going anywhere. I have faith that Barbour means what she says and won’t turn us into another coaching carousel shitshow. Until the balance of power tilts back away from the SEC (which could be a long damn time) and until Urban Meyer moves on from OSU, no HC in the B1G should lose their job because

As a resident of Christian’s hometown who just randomly decided to pick Liverpool as his BPL team this year, you just made my pants a little tighter.

It’s free power play time for the team with the puck. If you are organized, you can set up a 6-on-5 for as long as you can possess the puck. And even if you can’t do anything with it, you get a power play right after anyway.

Could you do a quick find-and-replace?

Acknowledged and agreed. Chip had a pretty big PR problem, stemming from several decisions that have been well-documented.

As a Birds fan who hasn’t quite processed what the hell happened last year, my beef with Kelly was purely football-based. He’s still an intelligent, reasonable human being. Kudos to Chip for working hard to prove he’s not a racist (which is what everyone in Philly believes but won’t say openly). Who knows if it’ll

That connection was made a long time ago for me, but I was equally stunned. I flat out refused to believe it the first time I heard it.

Jesus. After watching that whole thing, all I can say is: I’m so thankful I’m not an angry drunk.

The discourse in this country has devolved to the point that a public official cannot understand the distinction between giving up a right and simply choosing not to exercise that right at a given moment.

I personally just bristle at the arbitrary label created by someone else that lumps me in with the iPad/Everyone Gets A Trophy cohort.

You could post this as a response to a review of the latest bullshit smart appliance over on Gizmodo and still get a star from me. This has been my life motto since 2004. And I don’t generally hold grudges...

Cowboy Monkey Rodeo!

Unless you were worried that you were the only person who didn’t. In which case....reading comprehension ftw.

Are there people who intentionally wash their hands in the shower, or does everyone just trust that soaping up will get them clean enough? If it’s everyone but me, please let me know quietly.

Goodell doesn’t want the draft to be in Philly. I was there when we booed Bettman for 30 straight picks. Goodell will be lucky if doesn’t actually get something thrown at him. I don’t even care if that perpetuates Philly Sports Fan stereotypes. I think we can all agree he would deserve it a helluva lot more than JD

I was just talking about this exact car yesterday with a co-worker. That thing could do anything but literally fly. Figuratively, it was a goddamn dragon.

I think we need to find the security cameras for that gas station and go Zapruder on them. Clearly this was a nefarious plot by Sam Bradford to maintain his hold on the starting job.

Screens start the action in a play, not halt it. Yes he set his feet and kept his legs inside his hips, but it would be like Shaq justifying the same play by saying he was boxing out before the shot even went up. You’re interfering with action already in motion just because you’re fifty pounds bigger than the defender.

+1. I use the credit card and pay the statement at the end of the month. As a result, my in-the-moment decision is never based on how much I have in my bank account, because I’m usually at least two paydays (between me and my wife) away from actually paying for this.