
Uh-oh. Someone pointed out how mediocre the current Disney formula is.

I think the issue is the idea that the endings of these films no longer have consequences because that 'one superhero franchise' isn't actually doing it right.

Comic books actually can be quite profound and provocative. It's a shame Disney has neutered the medium for an entire generation. I think a lot of people, including actual comic book lovers, have internalized this idea that comics (and the movies inspired by them) need to be aggressively mediocre, simplistic, and


When this ad came on a friend turned to me and said, "Wait, isn't that the same plot as the new Batman movie?"

I feel like it was a big mistake that Fury Road wasn't entered into competition at Cannes last year. It would have won hands down.

Leo crawling inside a dead horse is the funniest thing I've seen on screen in a long time. Laugh out loud hilarious. I was rolling in the aisles.

So hyped!

Felicity on Arrow. The character started out alright, but the actress playing her has such limited range, it really constricts what the character can do. Please kill her off.

I totally agree! Well said. I appreciate Fury Road as a technical achievement and as an action film. But I absolutely love it as a powerful metaphor and an artistic howl of rage at the inequality and injustice in the world.

I can see that, but the conclusion is so worth it. That subtle nod of recognition exchanged between Max and Furiosa in the final moment…. masterful.

Another possible distinction…. Fury Road has several female characters, compared to The Revenant. (I don't remember any female speaking roles in The Revenant, at least no one memorable.) All of the people nominated for the Revenant down the line are men. Fury Road earned nominations for several women in tech

Ha, thanks! I'm so passionate about this movie. I've seen in about a dozen times already, and every time I see it I just get this growing sense that this is perhaps the pinnacle of cinema. It's astounding to me how good this movie is. It doesn't even seem possible that this movie was even made, let alone made so

The only Best Picture nominees with Directing, Writing, and Editing awards are Spotlight and The Big Short. They also have SAG ensemble awards.

Probably, though I have a lot of female friends that were equally impressed/obsessed with it as I was.

But have Elton John and Will Smith come out and perform it.

It's that damn saxophone line. Like nails on a chalkboard.

Just think of it as the kind of old-school epic Hollywood used to make back in the heyday of the silent film era, but with a modern feminist and environmentalist twist. It's like a Cecil B. DeMille "cast of thousands" classic, but with a soul. It's on the same level of artistry, invention, and social commentary as

George Miller wrote and produced Babe (and was Oscar nominated for both). Chris Noonan directed Babe (also nominated).

This is Carter Burwell's first nomination? Seriously? He should win just for that reason alone.