
Just wait until they realize that Princess Leia has been given a Hillary Clinton haircut.

I hope this does for Steve Zahn what "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" did for Judy Greer.

Loki is still the most compelling villain in Age of Ultron.

I'm already signed on to direct a Marvel movie. Those things pretty much just direct themselves anyway. As far as I know, my job is to just show up and turn on the camera and then let Feige fix everything in post.

Oh. Sorry for your butthurt?

I'm looking forward to Luthor's upcoming TED Talk on the disruption of superpowers.

I went to a Kid A listening party as well! The packed a bunch of people into a movie theater, dimmed the lights, played the album while a short abstract video played on a loop on the big screen. We all got Radiohead "modified bear" decals. Then everyone left the theater and get in line at the nearby record store for

hahaha, sorry. I haven't been sleeping much lately, while also watching a lot of Nolan movies, so you know. Comment has been edited to be not as derpy.

In Rainbows > OK Computer > Amnesiac > Kid A

'Kid A' is the last album I actually stood in line for at its midnight release.

Meanwhile, the RNC will get a first taste of Barry Manilow's new album.

I appreciate the Muppets on a much deeper level than you do.

I've already seen Fiorina's campaign film. People are going to be shocked that it totally, for real, legitimately includes footage of virgin sacrifices and Carly injecting embryos into her lips and cheeks.

I'm just going to ingnore this video so that I can keep arguing that it's a fact that Superman never once killed someone, until Zack Snyder ruined him forever by daring to defy the out-dated Comic Code. It's just easier that way…

Personally, I'm still super offended and butthurt that the Ant-Man tagline claimed that "Heroes don't get any bigger."

Whoa. I'm sorry, I thought you were someone that was worth engaging with. My bad.

Sure. Whatever you want to believe.

Like I said, it's cute watching fanboys get butt-hurt because someone made a fairly obvious and innocuous comment.


You might want to get your eyes checked.