Wipe Your Ass Say Yeah

It could be Kenneth Branagh Thor, or Ang Lee Hulk.

Dis wompf es fredesche!


I'd rather see an adaptation of the Dorothy Gale storyline from Alan Moore's Lost Girls.

Lena Dunham is Dorothy Gale

They won't stop announcing crap TV shows until you do!

Just the Tip.


*Billy Dee Williams jerks his head up, then sighs and goes back to staring at his phone*

But just for fun, really.

It's pronounced Boo-urns.

What if your name was Elohssa

It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove.

Whatevs Mhillr

Doctor Jones

You should be editing in more swears! (fuck)


Meme uses you!

*Clippy rolls eyes*

Star Wars VIII: Yoda Takes the Stairs