
I can't be the only one who was tricked by the sudden cut from Mary and Greer hugging to two people lying in bed. For a moment I thought the show was actually becoming unpredictable again.

I feel like the vast majority of the characters have become boring, unfun shells of their former selves. Catherine would have swept all the figurines off the table and onto the floor in Season 1. Just saying.

Yeah, Aaron is the only character who's been aware of everything but has been mostly watching rather than participating. If his face is burned, that would also explain the plague doctor mask.

I agree with everything you said, particularly the excess of characters. They really didn't need Conde and could have just used Bash in all of his scenes. And all Catherine did in this episode was urge Lola to sleep with Francis, which was disappointing. The only character I look forward to anymore is Greer, because

My favorite is Thief of Time. It was the very first one I read, and I loved it instantly. This quote has helped me a lot over the years:

That's what I've been doing this entire season. Every time Conde has a scene with Mary, I think about how much more sense it would make with Bash instead. Especially during the miscarriage… it was so strange to have Conde be there for her instead of Bash. Like, Bash used to be the guy who would go on field trips with

I still want someone to explain to me why Francis couldn't have killed Narcisse at the beginning of the season. It's not like DNA evidence existed in the 16th century. He could have just dealt with the witnesses with threats, bribes, even intimidation… or, hey, like saying, "that guy's lying and I never killed my

Yeah, I could easily see Conde killing the guy and having that further the love triangle… it doesn't seem like Francis would kill for Mary as readily as Conde would, especially given the amount of guilt that he's felt over killing Henry. And it really seems like Conde only agreed to marry Claude because of his

I don't really have faith in Reign either. The show seems primarily interested in showing that Mary can endure hardship and still emerge as a queen. I have no issues with that, and it's part of why I watch the show. But it almost seems like the writers are throwing increasingly cruel/violent situations at Mary merely

I would say that murder *is* only a concept to these characters, and that's kind of the point. How do you think defense attorneys defend murderers and still sleep at night? You might as well write that power is only a concept in Game of Thrones. Murder resides where people (or a jury) believe it resides. Law school

I wasn't sure until the part about the proposal. She totally faked it to get Danny to propose by the deadline, right? It's just too specific. Not to mention that there's no way she's only written about Danny for however many years it's been since she started working at the practice.