
I’m confused.  Why lead off this article with a picture of the new 400Z?

That’s no Rolls-Royce, that’s a Benz.  Tsk tsk, how plebian.

My current commuter car (01 Nissan Sentra) just rolled 400,000 miles. The clear coat is gone and rust is starting to eat the front of the hood. My wife is complaining loudly for me to replace it. I probably should’ve picked something up last year. This has been the only time in my memory when “Drive it till it dies”

You misspelled ‘rad’.  It’s ok, we all make mistakes.

Agreed. These videos are the opposite of sexy. And in real life, if my wife ever started gagging during oral, I’d be stopping immediately and asking if she was OK, and what happened? What went wrong, and how can we prevent that in the future.

It’s worse than that.

We’re reaping the results of the destruction of our educational system. It takes many years, so it’s hard for some people to notice the slowly accelerating decline. Everything in a modern free society depends on education, it’s the only road to improvement. And we are so screwed.

Equity is a thing.  A very powerful thing actually.  Real estate is also a much better investment than literally throwing your money away to a landlord.  I guess you really like your landlord, because you are making them rich so you can stay poor.

Nobody seems to be asking the important question:

Any time you hear about a domestic terror incident like this, the first words into my head:

I would have walked either way, were I her. Posing in a bikini has what exactly to do with my skill as a driver? Fuck off.

Yes, but that is an Aston-Martin, this is a Rolls-Royce.

No need to build a whole replica, just buy this one and swap out the drivetrain!

How? By actually, you know, funding appropriate levels of testing and contact tracing, limiting large gatherings and encouraging mask wearing. Respecting and listening to the actual public health experts who know how to beat this kind of thing. Getting the toady political appointees out of the CDC and putting real

Surprised me. I’d personally take this over a Vette if offered both, but at this price there are other cars I’d rather have. Lots of cool old JDM cars available in that price range.

And how many race engines are not rebuilt at the end of each race?  Close to 0%.

There are dozens of us!  Dozens!

Michelin. It’s always Michelin.  (In this case, it literally is, this car used Pilot Cup 2's)

Look again!  It has a trunk in the back.  It is a 3-box sedan.

How many doors does it have?  2 - it’s a coupe.  Seats don’t matter.