
Yeah, that’s pretty cringe. But I’m not convinced it’s actually worse. I’d be just as actively embarrassed to be seen getting into a car with those “Night Edition” badges. And Andrew is spot on, carbon fiber trim on a huge luxury sedan is so tacky. Yeah, you go for that 10 g weight savings there, sport.

I thought that was a design requirement at Ford...

Well said. And I wouldn’t trust just any mechanic to know the quirks of a 17 year old Jag, either. Just because the sign out front says “Euro specialist” doesn’t mean they necessarily know what to look for. Luckily the LA area probably has several that do.

Unfair!  Otto totally took a head start.

Recaro (singular) with 5-pt. racing harness, of course!

BWAHahahahahaaaa!  That’s awesome!  There really *is* a silver lining after all!

Oh you won’t find these deals at any “dealer”.

Plus parking, insurance, gas, damage from road hazards/street parking, etc. Yeah NYC is not great for car ownership.

Coworker of mine has a Charger and just sticks the front plate inside the windshield on the dash.

But I don’t *want* skid marks on my soul.

I wanted one of these so bad when they came out!

Jason this is so awesome!  Thank you for bringing us this.

Awww, cute it’s a little tiny F one fiddy. Or maybe just an F fiddy.

Maybe he meant that the conditions were sketchy, which it looks like to me, anyway.

As long as they actually show me that double-feature in the theater, lol

It’s the old industrial restaurant chic - “Just paint it black, no one will look up there”

Uh, wow. I just assumed when you said “collection of Spitfires” you meant the cars. Like who could ever own more than one of the planes? Shows what a poor slob I am. Jeez.

So this is supposed to be “A to Z”, but I don’t see a GT-R in that lineup.  Are they getting rid of Godzilla after 2020, or did they just not want to upstage the new Z?

I think he already answered that: