
Pretty sure a film of you illegally drag racing on a narrow street with pedestrians and parked cars present is the last thing you want your insurance company seeing.

Here’s the thing, though - analog tire pressure guages are more accurate than digital.  So no, it’s just a BS excuse to try to deflect blame from poor decision-making and low driving skill.  That’s part of why the joke is funny.

I did and had friends that did. (Do two anecdotal datapoints cancel each other out?)

No need to worry, it’s okay to like music that other people don’t consider “cool”. You should let the music speak to you, and appreciate it for what it is.  It’s okay to appreciate the hard work and talent that went in to making something, and it doesn’t make you less worthy if you like something that others don’t.

I feel you.  My parents had a Neil Diamond album or two that I would karaoke to (lip synch? whatever.) at 11 or so.  Also the year I discovered Rush and played Moving Pictures until the record player broke.

Had both of those CD’s back then and loved them (still do).

Well, to be fair, Bob Saget is objectively the dorkiest.

But now you’ve compromised the safety!  The driver’s side headrest has advanced safety technology to protect the driver, whereas the passenger is not nearly as important, and so gets the cheaper non-safe headrest.  No, it’s nothing you can see by looking at or examining the headrest, but trust me, it’s

Solution: Never let anyone pass you on the left.  Just always be the fastest car on the road, and the warning will never go off!

Oh my God, this is the best/worst comment thread in Kinja history.  I’m sobbing.

Labor costs.

Plot twist:  That’s not his foot.  /s

This really is the worst timeline.

It’s worse than that. Even if they sit in storage for 5-7 years, they can never be legally titled since they were imported before it was legal to do so. You would have to export them and re-import them through the proper channels once it became legal to do so.  Ugh :(

It is truly sad.  Most of those 7,000 vehicles are just rotting away, unloved and uncared-for, in a huge warehouse.  Just a waste.

Eh, that’s what the warranty is for (hope they have nice loaners at the Jag dealer)...

Came to say this as well. You’re a heck of a good writer, Parker, as well as being so good at driving.  Thanks very much for sharing your experiences with us here.  What a wild ride!

I read that book when I was a kid!

So you’re not happy with the advice, and then go on to note that you pretty much follow that advice to the letter. (I know, two cars not just the one, but the irony was too funny not to comment on)

Oh you’ll pay more than $10k the first time something breaks...