
Pictured: Jeff Bezos in March, 2017

Yeah, about the only thing I’d remove from that car would be those KC foglights, but it is a pretty good prank, for a certain kind of owner, hehe

That’s very nice, but that’s not a raise, friend. You’ll need to throw in one of these:

Correct!  And we are free to ingest Lead, I mean, in Flint they even provide it in the water supply!

I don’t think that’s what that is, looks like his gloved hand on the steering wheel to me.


Well, on the plus side the limits of adhesion are pretty low with contact patches that small (and half sidewall? WTF?). So he’s likely not going very fast when he loses it. Or hopefully at all.

That is Rad! Good job. There is a Maserati QP down the street and around the corner from me with a similar (but less bright) wrap, I love seeing it.

Ahh, gotcha.  Sounds like a good plan!

Ten.  They’re forever ten years away.

Unfortunately, those aren’t honeybees...

Nope, spare is a perfectly good description of this interior.

This would be awesome and hilarious.  My neck hurts just thinking about it.

Thanks, Gordon Lightfoot.

Well, I need all the processing power I can get.  :>

Sponsorship is a reason

Kinja ran over my Karma.

Next you’re going to tell me that LoTR is not an allegory for World War 2.

Sounds like they specced them wrong. You’ll want the fastest single-core performance you can get rather than lots of cores.

So much for ‘ZOOM-ZOOM’ :(