
Agreed on all counts. I think the OP’s point was just to express disappointment at the power to weight ratio given the suspected price point of the new Supra. I feel a bit disappointed about that, too.

I don’t think anyone is arguing that a 370Z will beat it. What seems disappointing about this much-hyped vehicle, is that it will even be in the same ballpark with the 10-year-old design.

On #2, don’t discount China, they’re right up there!

There are so many definitions for the word “sport” that I like to imagine they mean for these things:

I’m hearing him scream, “I’m the only one in the office talking any kinda sense!”

Wait, is that ugly clear bug shield thing a factory option?  That is hideous!  And it doesn’t even seem to protect the entire front edge of the hood.  Total fail.

Well, vocal here in our echo chamber, at least. I’m not convinced the auto makers hear much noise from us on this.


Oh how I wish we were all driving around in those today.  (Or even just me!)

John Oliver?   (Sorry, John, just kidding)

I don’t know, I was a little disappointed that the officer didn’t at least give him a well-deserved lecture. I’ve gotten much sterner warnings than this from state troopers even when they didn’t ticket me (going much slower than this, obviously).  But yes, he handled it professionally.  More professionally than I

That was my first thought, too. But I also think that reporters are likely to examine the list of traffic stops every day hoping for just such a find. Notice the name of a state legislator and FOIA request the footage as a matter of basic investigative trolling. Always be looking for that next story.

Sounds sweet!

Both of these gif’s are killing me.  I’m getting a headache just imagining the burning oil smell.  That and imagining trying to clean that engine bay *sob*.  It will never get clean again.

350Z’s are pretty well known for cooling issues (packaged so tightly and undersized heat exchangers), especially with the brakes (boiling away the brake fluid). I’d look into high-temp brake fluid or even a brake fluid cooler or brake cooling ducting/vents if you’re already considering an oil cooler. I’m considering

So she drinks the water but you gain the weight?

Yes and no. Some of the drying out of things that should be lubricated, water condensing in gas tanks, ethanol crystals titrating out of the fuel, etc. problems don’t apply - but those battery packs will likely need something more than just hooking up a battery tender and calling it a year (decade?). There’s a reason

Well, the GT-R is so old at this point that it desperately needs a major update, too.  Not to mention the Z *sob*

What on Earth or in this article or the linked reports, gave you the impression that he had business in the bar?  That is not stated anywhere here, it seems like you just made that up out of your own imagination.

That is impressive. Also, sorry to hear that man.  Hopefully you’ll find someone better.