
Make Sanford Great Again. I died.

If they recycle the water and don’t filter it well enough. Some states require that carwashes recycle the water for conservation.

This is the correct answer!

Here for the hot takes:

She is also great in that role! Fancy Kristen to a tee.

Voiced by Jessica Walter, of course. Her voice is all I hear in my head whenever I read a Fancy Kristen post.

That’s what they wanted us to think, and they kept referring back to their guide book, “To Serve Man”...

Somebody should tell that to Cheetolini

But, you don’t get an *actual material sample* from the manufacturer in the mail. I think that’s awesome.

Nanoo Nanoo!

I look forward to seeing the Kia Korvette for sale next year.

You forgot Manual transmission, you reprobate. Prepare for the cleansing fire of a Holy flamewar.

He looks like he’s trying to ride a Harley.

How are you going to let them know that it will go away? By writing it into the law in the first place, exactly as this subsidy was written. Quoted directly from the article:

The explanation is in the text - it blurred his everything cell in his brain, which as you know is correlated with grammar and spelling performance.

Correct. That would have been the proper recovery, but this guy didn’t try anything at all.

You are right. Lift-off oversteer is a different problem, it happens when weight distribution changes mid-corner (lifting off the accelerator shifts the weight forward), causing a loss of traction in the rear while the fronts still have traction and are turning.

Didn’t seem like it from the sound. He was practically sideways by the time he lifted off the accelerator. Barely even seemed to countersteer.

Exactly. The term he is looking for is “countersteer”. I don’t know why it bothers me so much, I’m usually not that pedantic about language. But reading that post got my blood pressure up for some reason.

Right? I honestly thought, “That thing looks like a Hyundai” at first glance. And second glance. Truly underwhelming in this overstyled age.