That looks like it’s trying to be a Maserati, but it’s better than what they have on there now. Horizontal slats would be more traditional A-M (and look better). So, yeah, just give us the DB-10, it looks way better from all angles.
That looks like it’s trying to be a Maserati, but it’s better than what they have on there now. Horizontal slats would be more traditional A-M (and look better). So, yeah, just give us the DB-10, it looks way better from all angles.
See now, that is much, much better. The front of the new Vantage is just awful. The other views look great, but that front is just sad. Like they just tacked on that grill to the front bumper of a Miata (sticking out, even, didn’t even bother to make it flush) and called it a day.
Fair enough. I am also a fan of Hydrogen. I do think there’s room for both, and if this is viable and can at least reduce fossil fuel dependence somewhat, I’m open to it. It will be interesting to see what happens either way.
Huh, whaddya know. Over here on the west coast, diesel is $3-3.50.
So please show me where I can buy diesel fuel for $2.52 per gallon.
I didn’t say they were free, I said it would take a little longer to pay for them by only charging $0.07/kWh to use the facilities vs. charging current market rates. (In some parts of the country, like here in Washington, market rates can be even lower than $0.07/kWh as well).
The charge stations will have battery packs to store the energy from the solar panels for night time charging. Also conveniently produced by Tesla.
The batteries alone for a 200kWh pack will likely weigh more than that. Hopefully the rest of the car is made of spun carbon nanotubes and unicorn farts (which, like helium, are lighter than air).
Eh, it’s a Jeep hood. It’s chances of damage are pretty high one way or another...
Relax, highlander. (to be read in the voice of Sean Connery)
Not only that, the plan itself is actually modeled on the Massachusetts health plan passed by Republican Mitt Romney when he was governor of that state, before he ran unsuccessfully for President of the US. So it’s a Republican plan to begin with! (Yes, disavowed and highly controversial among republicans now, but…
This needs so many more stars.
Sorry, Man. :(
See, the trouble is, that just looks like a slightly more rounded-off GT-R. No thanks. I’ll take a GT-R (but make mine used, I’m not spending 100 grand on a “just for fun” car).
I look at that picture and immediately think of the Civic Type-R. They’ve turned the Corvette into a Civic!
OP said he was 15. So “touching” the gas probably means flooring it in N and dropping it into D when the revs get up to about 5,000. Not that I would ever have done anything so stupid to my parents’ Monte Carlo when I was 15. No way.
Also, she was one of the lead singers for Zero 7 on several of their albums, which is where I first recognized her voice from. She’s done collaborations with David Guetta, Rihanna, her voice is all over the pop landscape when you begin to hear it.
Awesome, wish I had more stars to give! I was imagining this song in my head watching that video.
“Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.!”