
Seconded. You have your orders, Mr. Torchinsky.

It’s like the portrait of Dorian Gray - you’d better never get rid of that FX, all of the problems your 740 should be having are being absorbed by it!

Which is why I never clean the inside of my car.

I’m surprised those floor lamps are still standing. I’m picturing something like this with flying lamps as soon as this thing is powered up:

I knew these things were heavy, but jeez!

Driving a $500,000 Rolls - they just might have some connections, who knows. Either way, probably insured, so I’m guessing it’s his insurance adjuster who’s crying now.

Well you’re right on cue! Perfect!

You sure that’s not just a Ford Fiesta Jr.?

Unless perhaps the rules specify that your vehicle must be legally registered to operate on public roads. Although who knows, this is Texas, maybe the DMV lets you register a Sherman tank...

Oh, I don’t know, all that SCUBA gear for the gardeners to tend your underwater grounds gets expensive. You wouldn’t just let your surroundings “go native” on you, I mean there are standards to uphold...

Of course they will! It’s an Aston-Martin!

You can put a mountain bike on top of anything if you’re determined enough. - Abe Lincoln

Awesome, good luck with the purchase!

I wonder who his favorite band is?

$kaycog always wins!

Either way, sounds awesome

I realize that your question was for Tom, and I’d love to hear his expertise on this too, but in the meantime I’ll throw in my 2 cents.

Nope. Demver.

But why are there two Squidwards? Why?

But what is painted on the side of that glorious beast? I can’t make it out from this picture.