
Unless perhaps the rules specify that your vehicle must be legally registered to operate on public roads. Although who knows, this is Texas, maybe the DMV lets you register a Sherman tank...

Oh, I don’t know, all that SCUBA gear for the gardeners to tend your underwater grounds gets expensive. You wouldn’t just let your surroundings “go native” on you, I mean there are standards to uphold...

Of course they will! It’s an Aston-Martin!

You can put a mountain bike on top of anything if you’re determined enough. - Abe Lincoln

Awesome, good luck with the purchase!

I wonder who his favorite band is?

$kaycog always wins!

Either way, sounds awesome

I realize that your question was for Tom, and I’d love to hear his expertise on this too, but in the meantime I’ll throw in my 2 cents.

Nope. Demver.

But why are there two Squidwards? Why?

But what is painted on the side of that glorious beast? I can’t make it out from this picture.

Race officials hate him! Click here to learn why.

I knew there was a reason I was suspicious when Valentino Rossi was leading the Tour de France...

Username checks out. Have a star, you ought to know!

You mean Crazy Glue (TM)

On the other hand, I saw that lead picture and immediately thought it was a Kia or Hyundai.

Also this. Ugh.

Yeah Baby!!