
At least autocross it!

My guess is they just pull your driving record from the DMV (any speeding tickets lately?) and insurance history. Just like applying for a driving job (non-CDL).

It is exactly about probabilities. They (insurance companies) have huge actuarial databases full of statistics that tell them things like the (completely hypothetical) risk of a loss is 15% if you rent to a 25-year-old, but only 10.1% if you rent to a 30-year-old. They decide the risk they are willing to take based on

That long, eh? Any way you could bump that up to, like, this decade?

Doesn’t FCA own Ferrari still? Could make a lawsuit a bit awkward...

Those are fuses and relays. For easy access/replacement.

This thread stinks.

Kids these days. I still have my trusty HP 28S, the battery cover is holding on by a thread.

I’m guessing it will multiply rather than divide.

So basically a less awesome Scott Pilgrim vs. the World? No, I couldn’t be arsed to watch it before commenting. :P

Aaarrrr, right ye be, matey!

Good one! I was wondering if that was the case. That is awesome.

At least one of which actually exists (in China, naturally):

So true. This is the correct answer.

Wow, that’s awesome! I had no idea that was here, I can’t wait to book a tour.

Toyota/Lexus would like a word with you (ugliest Japanese cars ATM).

Your comment is pure poetry, from start to finish. I regret that I have only one 5-spoked star to give. So perfect. This may be the best-written and most correct comment I have ever seen on Kinja. Bravo.

Add the warped rotors and/or glassed pads after that emergency stop.

Because Japan has lots of low mileage used cars in really good condition for very reasonable prices, due to their regulations around car ownership and the cost of owning an older vehicle there. As in, so cheap that even with the shipping costs it’s worth it to import them to the US (for cars that meet the 25-year

“Deal with” the noise? I think the noise is a primary feature...