
Well, in order to have regenerative braking, you use a what? That’s right, a motor. It’s the same part.

I, too, fit white tires to my *dirt bike*.

No way. If you’re not paying the mechanic to do the inspection, he’s not working for you. Period.

Good advice. Note that a clean Carfax or Autocheck report does not guarantee that the vehicle hasn’t been in a wreck that hasn’t been reported. Always have the vehicle inspected by a mechanic that you are paying as well. But I was very happy with the value that I received over the couple months that I subscribed to

Absolutely this. One of the best peices of advice my dad has given me in life has been to never, ever, ever, ever buy a used car without an inspection by a mechanic that you are paying. It has saved me a few times. I just bought a used car from the next state over, and I called a mechanic local to the seller and

Well put. Wish I had more stars to give.

Helps you stay in shape. ;)

He also writes excellent books. Definitely worth a read!

There absolutely are. Check with local bike shops in your area for event listings and so on. Also, on track day they will split you up into groups based on experience, and you’ll ride in the appropriate group, which helps make it less intimidating and more fun.

Keith Code is an excellent resource. The first Twist of the Wrist is great, too.

I like to wear knee-and-shin pads underneath my jeans. No, that won’t help my hips, etc. but it might save a patella. And they’re not too noticeable or I can just take them off when I get there. Kevlar jeans are better, especially if they have/can have armor in them.

Not enough stars for this comment. I laughed out loud in my quiet office, drawing suspicious looks.

I so hope you’re not joking and this is real. I want to believe

Agreed. Or a Tesla Model S.

It’s all about personal preference or brand image. Some people would rather have a Lamborghini than a Ferrari. And vice-versa.

Then it’s probably a bad sign that they can’t agree on much...

I can’t stop looking at his freakish hand. It’s like they grafted a giant’s hand onto his tiny wrist.



Also, for the curious: