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    While it’s not as bad as Texas, our unions in NM aren’t allowed to strike, walk out, or slow down work. At some point, our leaders decided that giving up our only leverage was a fair trade in order to get a Public Employee Bargaining Act passed to shore up association rights.

    False. Cats need crunchy food to keep their teeth clean and prevent stomatitis, a severe and unfortunately common condition, the treatment for which is typically full mouth extraction (ouch!)

    It’s amazing to me that the tender didn’t have or use an emergency stop.  How could they not see this car?  I assume the driver was furiously honking the horn as well. 

    If you want a two-wheel-drive Ford pickup for $23,000, you can still buy one new. It’s called the Maverick, and it includes a warranty.

    Luckily for the general public, Tesla games are only playable when the car is parked.

    Makes sense to forego comp & coll if you drive an older car. Their book values are so low and out of whack with the market that almost anything would “total” it per the company, but you’d never be able to buy the equivalent car with the payout from the totaling.

    Or, since it’s a retention/drainage pond downstream of the accident site, her car went in upstream and was swept down. Florida isn’t known for its gentle weather.

    “Popper’s Pistol Pops Passersby in Perilous Proximity to his Penis.”

    If ever an oil filter deserved to bear that name, it would be the one mentioned in this story.

    No-sale provisions are inherently anticompetitive and should be outlawed.  

    Re: mystery coolant leak - my 93 F250 is in the shop getting a reman engine as we speak. I’ve chased that same leak for three years, until an old timer told me that the casting on those blocks (the 302 and the 351 - not sure about the 460 but probably that too) was often defective. The blocks with the poor casting weep

    Compromises and half-measures have no place in contemporary political discourse. I can’t stand this waffling old fart. If he cancels student debt, the same people who hate him now will continue to hate him; no loss. By not taking meaningful action on this issue he’s just alienating much of his own party, and

    Good. On top of being an injustice for the driver, by throwing him in the slammer, the justice system is letting the real culprit (skinflint company hacks deferring critical maintenance) off the hook.

    Related: was it washed? 

    My family has a similar tradition. We call it the Treaty of 2014.  It’s for world peace.

    36 millennial teacher here - my students *love* TikTok. Our generation is officially old.

    You can overwinter pepper plants too. Cut all branches and leaves off except for the main stem and first joint (should look like a sad little “Y” about a a foot tall). Dig up, pot, keep in cool area and keep barely watered. You’ll get a jump start next year not having to start peppers from seed.

    Is that a Magnusson-Moss violation though?  

    The possessive error (owner’s) got me peeved, but then I saw it was you posting and thought “nah, leave him alone.” Then I read that amazingly cynical second-to-last paragraph and did the ol’ slow clap. Well done, Mr. Tracy.

    Love our Forester. Much roomier than the Outback inside. Just got it in June; it was one of five left on the lot.   Freaking nice car.