A Brief History of Latkes in My Household:
A Brief History of Latkes in My Household:
The biggest problem is the delay. There’s at least a 15-20 second delay between impact and the start of the pain; the pain itself doesn’t hit full bore for a good minute, during which the person who was kicked/punched knows what’s coming and is pissed off about it.
My #1 gift for such a cretin: an Amtrak - no, make it Metro so it stings a little - ticket back to the city. Over the last 20 years, I have watched the Citiots systematically “gentrify” (i.e. destroy) my home in the Hudson Valley.
Agreed! Also, first ensure it’s a *real* allergy, not crazymaking.
A Ring or similar home security cam aimed at your car can give you a real-time alert when someone approaches it. The Ring devices also allow you to talk through the camera, and a well-timed “Can I help you?” or “Why are you near my car?” will scare most people off. I got one after my truck got keyed, and it’s been a…
Shhh, don’t cry, Karen - the manager will be with you soon.
Off-putting comparisons to the n-word are uncouth; based on your username I would assume you’re old enough and young enough to know better than that.
I’m more annoyed about idiot boomer#1 with a mask under her chin and idiot boomer#2 with a mask under his nose.
CONFIRMED! Also, cold concrete doesn’t feel too good either under those same circumstances.
Buy an 18" length of steel pipe at the hardware store. That plus a breaker bar will loosen 90% of rusty bolts and nuts without heat, penetrating oil, or an impact. Physics is magic.
Virtual corn and toilet paper. I’m in.
It does, however, have a very red rocket.
The Citiots have already destroyed the lower Hudson Valley, and are working their way up. I hope his friends are going to Jersey or LI.
There’s a local dish here in NM called blue mush which uses water, blue cornmeal, and juniper ash. The cornmeal is nixtamalized by the ash as it’s cooked.
Thankfully no one wants a wagon with a manual
Oklahoma and New Hampshire: why do you guys hate children? And joy?
You hit the nail on the head. Also, sorry tp hear about that data point.
No. Profoundly not. Another apt comparison to Trump.
California is very hypocritical as a state. I live in northern NM, and both my area and neighboring corners of Utah and Arizona are lousy with disgusting coal-fired plants. I can see two from my back yard, stacks spewing soot (or “water vapor” as the morons who support them allege). Where do you think that power goes?…
Negotiation is unnecessary unless inventory managers are not good at their jobs, or not allowed to do their jobs well.