Winston Smith

No kidding. As a middle aged square jawed white guy, even I can't stomach a show like, say Chicago PD, that features said MASJWG leading an "intelligence" team of very pretty white people in inner city Chicago. C'mon! Not one black guy on the WHOLE TEAM?

True Detective is what I'm looking forward to.

Hey! The Killing was good last season!

Roland Deschain.

waiting for the Person of Interest crossover episode…

Thanks Obama!

didn't he kill the vice president of the us also? and now the leader of iran too? the guy's one badass assassin

Never heard of gaydar? Duh.

It's actually just a button that says "start".

Dude had a zombie daughter sex pet.

I had a girlfriend when I was a kid named Alicia and she had a hostile best friend named Tara. Always had a fantasy about finding those two intertwined and knee deep…

I thought Broadchurch was a waste of time even though some of the acting was pretty good. The Fall, excellent. Top of the Lake, good but a slog. Luther, inconsequential but kinda fun, although less so with each succeeding series.


This is Merica, we WILL charge all you robot mutherfuckers with murders

Falling Skies doesn't suck.

about 350

Canada is America, yo.

I kinda liked Carrie screwing the Brody clone.

This show needs an infusion of crazy naked hookers.

Thanks Obama