Winchester Sister

I don't think it's weird masculine grooming, though I understand and agree with your sentiment not to have homophobic messages coming through. It's pretty common for a father (any race) who's into sports (any sport) to want his son to be into it, too, and especially the sport that the father likes/knows the best.

And the sports double standard, etc. Yeah, I haven't seen anything about this on the news, though I don't watch E!, etc. But I'm surprised I really haven't seen anything, except maybe on the CNN Web site.

I never saw that cover/photo. I wonder if that was sold with the paper/plastic covering her body? I used to buy tattoo art magazines that were in plastic, but that was because of some of the photos on the inside. There's nothing wrong with the photo, but you know how the U.S. is.

Ahh, I can't believe I remembered her first name, which was enough to find the stories! (I'm sure you can imagine how many results a search like "child photos parent porn accusation" brings up. Ugh.)

I believe by definition it is because of how she's posed and the fact that she was underage.

I just posted elsewhere, but I could see someone differentiating between what's done behind closed doors and what's put into print for anyone to see. Yes, that would a pedophile rationalizing/compartmentalizing, but here we still have Biel's photos, whereas people wouldn't know about Collins if a victim didn't speak

I find the grown-up as schoolgirl thing bothersome. I loathe the whole "take anything and make it a sexy version" Halloween trend, but at least the standard sexy nurse, sexy maid, etc., are based on adults. I understand, for example, there being a connection to the girls you weren't supposed to drool after/weren't

Yeah . . . I like trying to figure out people's rationalizations (Psych/Soc person here), and one thought I've had about this, because I remember the hoopla so well, is that Collins might not put his own behavior in this category because it wasn't public. Biel's photos were out for everyone to see, and still are.

I like her, but I don't like her. I liked her all right on "7th Heaven," and I think she was fine for that Air Force-ish movie (I'm forgetting the name right now). But I usually feel underwhelmed by her acting. (I understand why people like looking at her, but that's different.)

I thought of Miley's awards performance when I saw that picture, too.

I started watching the original and then missed the last half of the episodes, so I'm going to go back and watch that before watching this one! I thought this was a different show until I read something about it being a remake. It is hard sometimes to see an actor playing a different role when they have one that's

I just did a quick search on the "horsey area" near me (MA), and the most expensive I could find for sale is listed for $4.9 million (what?!) on a farm with 13 acres, but it's estimated at "only" $4.3, and the next highest listings are under $2 million. Which is still more than I would have guessed, but . . .

Was that the man in jail connected to the bombing?

I read (somewhere here, I believe) that the plot is almost entirely the same, just "American."

I enjoyed her "ruining your career" speech to her fiance since we now know she's trying not to ruin hers!

That bugged me, too!

I definitely grew up thinking some relatives were just roommates, and then (when I was old enough), my parents explaining that that roommate was his/her partner. My parents were okay with it, but being anything other than heterosexual wasn't something that my grandparents or great-aunts/uncles would have talked about.

Are you referring to the fiance? If so, you don't think it's possible for him to have been experimenting eight or ten years ago?


*spits water on computer screen*