
Have any of you ever seen a chicken before?

Now, if SIRI can hook up with the IMDB app and have some sort of facial recognition, I'm set.

OK, I'm sold. My poor IPhone 3G just can't hack it any more. Now that Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T are all going to have the iPhone, here's what I want to see on this site:

Does Roku stream HULU? And does it have the same "web-only" episodes limitation as the XBOX's HULU app?

True, but 99% of the people who buy this won't care as long as it just works.

OK, I don't get it.

I just hit that moment this afternoon. It was awesome. I love me some Cole Train...Whoooo! (and his predecessor, Terry Tate - Office Linebacker)

and not only was it SD, it was crappy SD, like someone converted their VHS collection directly to digital through a wire coat hanger instead of a cable.

Netflix has National Geographic: Inside North Korea available for streaming. It's one thing to say that the people should rise up, but when they have been indoctrinated over a 65 year period without outside access to information - they really don't know any better.

I'm sure that there is something flammable in the car that can be used to create smoke signals :)

Wow, so Batman is also a dick like Superman?

1:25 - photoshop fail. And unless they read right to left, the picture on the left is the more attractive one. Lady needs to get her money back.

My first thought too. Great idea though.

Stalin and Pol Pot say "Hi".

Wow. Thanks for the link.

Which is why I intend to play games with my kids. Primary lesson: How to not be a jerkwad and how to mute other players that are.

I missed out on the World at War zombie maps, so this was like getting DLC with 5 zombie maps! Booyah.

They would never hurt for money again. Gazillions of cat videos on youtube can't be wrong!

If you have Netflix streaming, you can watch "The Pixar Story". It's a documentary about the start of Pixar. It details a lot of this stuff and more. Definitely worth the watch!

The majority of the James Bond movies are on Netflix - just not the newest Daniel Craig ones.