
OMG no. cate blanchett is the consummate movie star, plus the most phenomenal actress. jennifer lawrence i don’t understand any of the appeal and find her to be an average actress and a disappointing ‘star.’ sorry to all who love lawrence: i just don’t get it.

Girls can get a little desensitized if they use a vibrating toy but it’s not a big deal. Just take a break. It doesn’t cancel out the pro of learning how to orgasm.

yeah. this guy had such a low libido, i’m not sure if something might have been wrong with him? it definitely felt like rejection to me. my libido isn’t THAT high so for me to want more sex than a guy was totally crazy and i have never been turned down before. for me to be frustrated, dying for sex when I’m in a

omg she’s a beauty!!!!! i love maine coons!!!! squee and congrats.

girl. i spent two years with a guy with zero libido, and we ended up bitter and now i’m coupled up with a fellow jackrabbit and a much, much happier person wondering why i put myself through that. and yes, he did make me feel rejected all the time. in my mind now this is a major incompatibility and red flag. you need

smooth cheeks? really?

Dude, yes. Air France is the BEST. However I admit I once stepped off an Air France flight in Italy and felt super jet lagged and really bloated. I had cognac after dinner and everything on this eight hour or so flight. I felt so damn fat and jet lagged when I stepped off the plane. :)

omg :) she’s teetering on her heels and completely slurring.

My linked in is bombarded all day everyday by men who have zero professional connection to me, and if I ever add any of them they all flirt with me and ask for a date in their message. At first I was shocked. It’s utterly constant now, so ... I just ignore them.

but anyway i actually love lindsay. i think she’s pretty, talented, and i root for her. i know a lot of people who do. i really hope she gets back into rehab. i would hate her to have her life cut short. i’m bummed by this and the recent story about the italian wedding it just sounds 100% she is totally using.

i can’t help but feel taking drugs to quit drugs is not really going to work. :) i’m not talking about methadone or the drugs that prevent alcohol cravings. i mean, like this kind of thing. the logic does not connect for me. in all honesty if you’re an addict, i feel taking a psychedelic is just going to encourage you

Oh wow. Definitely a relapse. Hope she can pull it together again. You know how she did ayahuasca? I’m thinking it did not, exactly, lead her to sobriety the way she has claimed. I’m not really buying what I hear about ayahuasca trips as a way to kick an addiction all around, Lindsay aside.

This is stupid. People are allowed to have preferences over their choice of mate. Ever heard of consent? If you’re not attracted to someone you’re not attracted to them. If you’re a short guy I guarantee you still have a ton of options. Unless you’re short, ugly, unsuccessful, and bad in bed....then,’d

SO creepy and 100% greed

The ‘no worries’ story is killing me.


fremdschamen perfectly describes how i feel about affleck/garner’s nanny - she is so cringe - y! :) great word!

yep the heart breaker thing! got that a lot when i was like, 11!!

for me it was the absolute worst age 16. i know that’s more mature, and you’ve gone through puberty,’s still too young for adult men to hit on you and it was rampant. teachers in high school, random strangers....

donate to their life. uh huh.