
This article is inveterate nonsense, which for this site, is saying a great deal. But it’s Frida Garza, so I’m assuming this is part of the elaborate on-going troll that is her Jez contributions.

Me too. At the risk of being one of those people the poster referred to above, I honestly never found him attractive, although I could intellectually understand why someone else might. But he always came across in interviews and court appearances as arrogant, smarmy and unctuous.  Never got it.

It was “The Deliberate Stranger”, and he was terrific in it.  It’s too bad it gave him a stigma, because I’m sure he took the role to show his range, and he definitely showed it.

He first really attracted notice in Lifeguard, where he played a sexy slacker who is still a So Cal lifeguard at the advanced age of 32. The first thing I ever saw him in was a horror movie called Frogs with Ray Milland, where he was sort of an ecologist hippie warning Milland of the dangers of all that pesticide he

I lived in Overland Park from age 6 to age 11.  I am SO glad I didn’t go to high school there, and I say that as someone who did go to high school in Plano, TX.  That should tell you about Overland Park.  If it doesn’t, reminder that it is the place where this guy was a cop:

Matt DILLON, not Damon.  I don’t think Matt Dillon is all that pressed.

Really?  Cause I know plenty of black women who don’t appreciate Cardi B’s “black when it’s convenient” schtick, or being compared to roaches (oh, I’m sorry, that’s a “New York thing”, according to her).  There are plenty of intra-racial issues with Cardi B, so don’t over-simplify things.

Thank you. This book captivated me as a child and I loved it’s perfect mix of creepy dread and menace with the poignant story of an overweight, lonely kid looking for a place to belong and longing to feel “seen” and in control of SOMETHING, which is why magic is so appealing to him. Now Lewis is no longer chubby, Mrs.

My thoughts exactly.  Fuck the Superbowl, and fuck the NFL.  Between carrying water for domestic abusers and rapists while treating protesting black players like runaway slaves being brought back to the plantation, they can miss me forever.  Plus faux-patriotism and a large helping of sentencing players to battered

Past time. Love ya, Iggy, it for all of us.

“So your negative comments are not going influence my choices - actual research and educating myself will - which i am diligently doing.”

Same. Angry at same, but same.

Jesus, he is loathsome.

Agreed. She irritated me no end. Her only redeeming quality was slightly resembling Shawnee Smith, but that wasn’t enough.

For one thing he was scaring the crap out of me on The Affair last season, and I never thought I could say that about Brendan Fraser. He’s worked steadily, but with a relatively low profile. I just want him getting juicier roles in prestige projects, because he’s a very underrated actor.

It is now. After backlash from the original title shamed them into changing it.

You beat me to it. And I like Richard Ashcroft, which is why I hesitated.

Your description is creepily plausible and now I feel sick.