
I would be happy to hand over management of health benefits, time and leave accruals, recruitment, onboarding, retirement planning, labor relations, employee assistance counseling, contract negotiations, and much more for thousands of full-time faculty and staff, adjunct faculty and civil service employees, since

My thoughts exactly. He was hardly lip synching. Quite impressed with Dan's skills, by the way, but anyone who saw him do "The Elements" should have been prepared, since that's basically a proto-rap.

I'm not there as often as I should be, but even I was wondering where you were. Not the same without kshortie16!

I'm sure you meant Tolerate, Kill, Kill, right?

People's been stanning for Nolte since the 70's...

You must be. Have you not seen the man in a suit? Hot like FIRE.

I know Lemon Zest is a shameless panderer whose craven lust for white, straight approval is simultaneously pathetic and rage-inducing, but after the "black holes" discussion about the missing Malaysia flight, the Talib Kweli embarrassment, getting schooled by Levar Burton about "driving while black" and the countless Robin Hood. Why are you so sex..I'm sorry, what? Pfft, I did not. I would never say something so creepy about a anthropomorphized cartoon animal. Girl, you crazy.

I know you are rarely wrong, Kat, but in this case, we have an incorrect spelling, due to a failure in communication. He was "delivert" from liking "menz". Those of us who grew up in similar churches know such deacons and choir directors very well, and proper terminology is important. We owe it to this man's

Marilyn? Wow. Old lady fist bump. Marilyn was NEVER going to happen, but it was fun watching the attempt.

AND NOW...I finally understand what "Jawwdinz" is without having to watch the video. Riff Raff is the guy who has elbow sex with his sister Magenta, and I'll be out of you young 'uns hair as soon as I get these here new tennis balls fitted on my walker.

Anything by The Smiths, Cocteau Twins, Elbow, Doves, Jeff Buckley or early Lush. Works every time.

Don't worry about it. Some of us know what you mean and are aware that this "work", which is exactly what it is, requires intelligence, adaptability, the ability to think quickly on one's feet, and research and writing skills. Others who only see the end product may diminish what it takes to be successful in this

Grant is no longer on Mythbusters, so you are correct.

There is too much talk about gelatinized anuses and dextrose and whatever else you said, and not enough about Grant, because he is the only reason I even read this story. However, bonus points because it was hilariously written. But still, not enough Grant.

My name was almost Stephanie, but according to my mom, my grandmother kept pronouncing it "Stuff-ney" and she couldn't take it and went a completely different direction. My grandmother was an uneducated woman from rural East Texas, and I actually liked her a lot, but I'm grateful my mom spared me from that.

I'm with you. As a native Texan, it kind of annoys me that he has become Hollywood's definition of a Texan these days. And I'm pretty sure he loves himself more than his wife loves him. But his performances have been so damn good the last few years, I can't write him off completely.

Lincoln, not Buick. Given that many argue the "McConaughnaissance" began with The Lincoln Lawyer, the ads make a weird kind of sense. Maybe not Austin-weird, though.

"After discussion and reflection, we concluded that adult films must remain just that, a product for adults. That's why we decided not to renew Mrs. Laurent-Auger's contract."

The point was that the shows the UK imports tend to be game shows and reality programming. Most of the US imports are sitcoms and dramas. But if it's that important to you to win a fairly inconsequential argument, then let's just say I concede to you and call it a day.