
And he just doesn't seem to have enough energy to do any of those things, which I why I'm convinced he just may know The Secret.

I am unable to stop giggling at this. Unable.

Not true! I have Prada and Gucci prescription sunglasses. I have severe astigmatism and am nearsighted, and have rarely worn sunglasses in my life. But for my last couple of eyeglasses, I've been able to get a deal on an eyeglasses/sunglasses combo. I'm in NYC, so that may make a difference in terms of

I'm really not trying to be rude, but I'm not sure why you keep misrepresenting what the article is about and what is being said in these comment threads. I don't know if you are being deliberately obtuse, or if you just truly don't understand the original post. NO ONE SAID A BIG BUTT IS A NEWLY DISCOVERED FEATURE

I'm sorry you don't understand what the words "traditionally associated" mean. Most other commenters seem to. Hint: it does not mean these are the only people who have such a trait. But keep at it, your persistence is heart-warming.

It is a great, Emmy-winning thing. Lynn Whitfield is the shit.

What is "inaccurate"? Where in the original post or in any of these comments did anyone say big butts are exclusive to Black and Latina women? Where? But several have talked about how negative traits associated with big butts have been primarily ascribed to Black and Latina women, except within our own communities.

Do hear that big "whooshing" sound? That's the point of both the article and these comments flying over your head. But congratulations on your skill at pointing out the obvious, which, by the way, no one has denied and is totally irrelevant to the actual topic anyway. Sheesh.

Thank you! Raising Cane's is THE BEST! I really miss them since moving to NYC from Texas. Even their toast is good.

Nice diversion tactic. This post is specifically about features typically associated with Black and Latina women, who by the way, are women of color, that are now considered trendy and fashionable because they're "having a moment" with white women. If these features were traditionally associated with Indian,

I'm sure you felt as if you really scored points by dismissing the actual content of my post, which directly addressed the erroneous elements of the post I was actually responding to and focusing on my tone and not that of the OP, but you just sound like a shit-stirrer who has contributed nothing to the

It must be nice to live in your world, where there are no empirically-demonstrated racial disparities in employment, income, wealth accumulation, access to housing, access to healthcare, policing, especially arrests and sentencing, school discipline, adoptions rates, etc., etc. It must be nice to pretend that white

Reading is fundamental. If you don't have the comprehension to understand that it is a problem when something women of color have been shamed, stigmatized and even exhibited for in HUMAN ZOOS is now a beauty trend among white women, with some going so far as to get implants to obtain the look, I'm not sure what can

The field hands are described as behaving "as creatures of small intelligence might naturally be expected to do. Like monkeys or small children turned loose among treasured objects whose value is beyond their comprehension, they ran wild—either from perverse pleasure in destruction or simply because of their

I have read Gone With the Wind, the novel. I agree the film and literary portrayals of Mammy are different, but not as different probably to the eyes of black readers as to white. Particularly since the character itself is part of slavery apologia. Historian Catherine Clifton, among others, has questioned the

I was an actor in my former (younger) life and still have many friends in theatre and film. One of my dear friends and his writing partner actually wrote an tribute to Rebhorn, a short script in praise of unsung character actors. They sent it to him as a lark. Rebhorn read it, sent them a lovely note saying how

Jude Law is a damn fine actor. In films like The Talented Mr. Ripley and Road to Perdition; on stage in Hamlet, where he was breathtaking (although David Tennant may be my favorite stage Hamlet), Henry V, Indiscretions. His looks and overabundance of hype (and later bad publicity for his personal life) blinded a lot

On this we agree. This isn't an intellectual exercise for me, and I can't afford the kind of detachment others can have. I also think we may differ in how we conceive the idea of "humanizing", because I think that has to be manifested somewhere concrete in order to matter. Blacks have plenty of experience with

I'm not sure why you felt the need to repost that. I know you think minstrel shows somehow offered, as you put it, "a rare chance for cross-racial identification". I disagree. I don't think they provided anything of the sort, because if they did, that identification and recognition of the "sameness of human

We're having two different arguments here. I never denied the influence of blackface on the arts, and the mainstreaming of black music, some of which wasn't authentically black, but white composers' idea of black music, which was sometimes then reinterpreted by blacks themselves. Another quote from your beloved