
@snownpaint1: Shareholder agreements? You just buy the shares on the open market. Same as any other stock.


Speaking as somebody who used to iron his clothes daily (even tshirts) nothing beats professional cleaning & pressing if you can afford it.

@drmrw: raisin smuggler

Why would you do this? When read on by a user whose mail app doesn't grok rich text, it looks stupid. And makes you look stupid by association.

@FrankenPC: It's Pocohantas in Outer Space with the 3D

@winkydink: In a can. Even homemade is made in a mold that looks like - wait for it - a can

@Dogen: This is how this bread is made.

@muzicman82: lots of spammers have deciphered the username+suffix trick and will add your username to their list, sans +suffix

@nootron: Well, there was that whole iphone 4 thing. Did that count?

What, it helps you commit batting averages to memory?

@coketown: Um, couldn't "looking huge" be an advantage under certain circumstances?

This is nothing but a shakedown by registries to pull more money out of company pockets. If anybody thinks that all adult content is going to suddenly move to .xxx, then I would like to sell you this pretty bridge in San Francisco that I have.

@David Verba: That was the cost with the 3Gs but will it remain the same for the 4?

You did see the sentence after the one you bolded? The one that says the information is anonymized? That wouldn't be as titillating at title though, would it?

@talkingstove: Which phone did you have back in 2000 that had a touchscreen and animated icons?

@celie_buckley: I'm sorry, but do you really think bloggers have journalistic integrity?

@MattyMattMatt: Some people buy sports cars or ginormous trucks. Others buy lots of monitors. At the end of the day, neither compensates for your, um, small, um... lack of confidence - yeah that's it!

We've been using Expensify at my startup since very early in its inception. Their tagline is true. The solution is light years ahead of that Excel spreadsheet that the dork in accounting put together.

@DharmaLab: You're right. Lobster is quite expensive. All the more reason to learn how to cook it properly.