Just drive both
Just drive both
Lmao miatas
It’s a pretty good read. I got it on my phone through Kindle app. Insane a nd thrilling stuff some of the gumballers did
But I’m not a rapper
Rs6 estate etc that we sadly never get here in merica
I love the discovery and defender but I wouldn’t have one over proper working Toyota Land cruiser
wtf $500 per foot
:/ its been about a year and ahalf since this article and man have prices gone up!
Only reason I’m giving it a go is because of Harris and Schmitz
Never heard of any of those hosts except for Chris Harris and Sabine Schmitz.
Meh, the 911 doe!!🙌🙌
Hmm the paint Honda used was so shitty some years back... Guess they improved ?
The IMS/RMS was hyped pretty big, but yeah it was an issue
So many of us lust after the RS6 Avant or really any estate not brought to the US. :/
It’s hilarious and cute people thought their car would appreciate. 😹😹😹 In any case I would just get the BRZ.
Yiii, that’s good then.
That’s stupid, but whatevs
This?? This is what sets Jalopnik off?? Can’t say I’m surprised. We all know he says some shit, has for years. Triggered.