
Calvin is a Natural, just like Hobbs.

You rang?

Yeah, pickles are great and all but way more of this thread needs to be about how Penn State needs to be burned to the ground.

I spent a good part of that 45 minutes reading the linked article on Penn State and am shaken to my core. I have a toddler son and between that story and Sandusky, kid’s getting homeschooled and playing video games.

Since 45 minutes have passed and you assholes are all obsessed with pickles ... fuck Penn State.

And for some reason cars don’t have headrests in the front seats.

If only there were a team with a HOF QB and a history of turning malcontents into superstar performers that also happened to lose their number one WR to a torn ACL in their 3rd preseason game against the Detroit Lions that he could be traded to.

God dammit, Dad, I told you you’re not allowed to post your jokes in public.

That’s nothing... When I was six, my Dad hid, and we still haven’t found him yet. That has to be some kind of record!

That was like a backyard finish when you were 10 and just made shit up to keep playing until you had to go inside for dinner.

RIP The Grinder :(

Do you know a lot of 13-16 year olds with the confidence and self-assurance to do something like that? Don’t be dense.

For a second I thought I took your meds.

Crosby Stills Nash And The Rangers

You can read my overall takeaway just above where it says “About the Author,” and below where it says “South Park: The Fractured But Whole: The Kotaku Review”!

Today, they still are only halfway to funding the $600,000 project.

90 degrees, so when you flip through the pages, they properly fold over and leave a nice little triangle up in the corner.

Grounds for divorce from where I stand.

I can’t believe this needs to be said but: You ALWAYS turn the shower back to bath position because whomever reaches in to turn it on the NEXT time get’s blasted with either scalding or freezing water! IT’S COMMON DECENCY!