Wing man of doom

As we all learned from King Mabel, WWE needs to pick the winner wisely, preferably a talent who has been a man on a mission.

I don’t know. In order to be famous somebody would have to be able to recognize your face, right? Well, just try to get somebody to accurately depict the prophet Muhammad. All of a sudden everybody’s memory gets real foggy.

What is this? Liberals rightly criticize Trump for being relentlessly negative, but now we criticize for him for being too positive? That’s poor messaging. Liberals can’t afford to be perceived as habitual complainers. If you have liberal friends like I do, warn them to avoid this trap.

It’s amazing to me that liberals hold Sharpton up to be some kind of paragon of leftist/racial virtue.  He’s a huckster, full stop.  How many lives does this guy get to ruin before he loses his place at the kool kids table?

Most of these aren’t plans at all, but typical political mumbo-jumbo.

So has anyone actually said how/where they are going to get the money from to pay for these plans?

Mueller already perjured himself, likely intentionally, when the fast-talking knucklehead from GA “tricked” him into saying the definitions of collusion and conspiracy are not synonymous. He writes in his report that they are.

Then let them kill one of your family members and enjoy paying higher taxes to help support these suckers. Btw, why even say sorry for your loss to this person? You have no idea the pain that person went through loosing a loved one. You’re just an ignorant dumb ass blinded by illegal immigrants that put their own

An illegal Immigrant killed my nephew, why would I want to help these people who are breaking our laws and violating our own citizens rights?  What good is anyone doing by helping people who are breaking our laws avoid capture or delay deportation?  How absolutely disgusting that people who have zero clue about the

I am a firm believer that the one thing the federal government is responsible for with our taxes are roads, infrastructure and the military. This would include border security. How the Congress apportions the rest, that is on them, though the Executive has a huge hand in guiding the direction of spending with his

So, Lindsey Graham is the worst because what he said was true???  I mean, AOC is basically a communist and she does hate America.  Omar and Talib do hate Israel. So, again, what is incorrect in Graham’s statement?

Trump’s realized the one thing that everyone on the left needs to learn. Public apologies are bullshit and you should never do them. They make you look weak and vacillating and your opposition will use them as an excuse to drag you further. Always double down when people get offended by what you say.  

Open season? wtf. Regardless of your psychopathy, how is it you are stupid enough to voice murderous intent on a public forum? I don’t understand why Splinter hasn’t removed this post.

So it would be OK if someone didn’t like your political views and committed violence against you?

Gosh, you are so brave sitting there typing that out. I am truly impressed and not at all laughing at yet another keyboard warrior who will do absolutely nothing they have just typed that they would.

I’m not a big Barstool guy and always prefer to read Deadspin, but...

“Supporting privilege”.Please. AOC is crying wolf and her false claims of racism even pissed off another POC in her own caucus. Being truthful isn’t “supporting” anything. It’s being honest.

This isn’t a child/teacher relationship... AOC didn’t expect to be boss

The issue is that AOC thinks, after a lifetime of bathing in identity politics, that anyone who disagrees with her is a racist. She doesn’t posses the intellectual framework to see it otherwise, and it appears that you do not either, Jack.

Yep. Pelosi hates women of color. That’s why she consistently attacks the following 38 members: