
So this is marketed as making you “feel full” longer. That’s not what it does. It slows down the process of moving food out of your stomach. You feel full longer because you are full longer. There have been reports of people throwing up food they ate two days before.

It’s all the Canadians trying to soothe the burn of the big Trudoire breakup.

in the history of jezebel there has never been a tournament where i haven’t been disappointed in the winner. caffeine winning best drug?

Perkins then called the police but she had to use a rotary phone. “I dialed as fast as I could,” she said. But rotary phones only spin so fast.

My FIL used to moonlight at a liquor store when the real estate market was slow, and when she was a kid my wife would sometimes hang out there with him. One time some guys in their late teens or early 20s came in and chatted up my FIL as if they were old pals, with my FIL asking how they were doing now and what they

“Be ready to kick and pick up a chair and hit somebody with it.”

What on Earth are Feinstein and McConnell concerned about if they step down? That their party will lose their seat? Feinstein is from California, McConnell is from Kentucky. I can’t imagine safer Democratic and Republican, respectively, areas. These two are fueled by their own egos and nothing more.

Yes, it sounds weird, but I gave Power of Attorney to my daughter when I got divorced in my 50s right after my divorce. It’s never been used, but it’s there so if I get hit by a bus or need someone to take over, she can just step in. Someone in Feinstein’s position might want a trusted relative to handle the day to

The best interpretation here is that Lizzo thought her dancers were are friends. I know nothing of Lizzo beyond good as hell and her brand. Sounds to me she thought she had a posse of friends, not employees. I can see how these allegations could be a girls night out gone wild with Lizzo believing she was creating a

Oh, I meant use her name so that the disrespect can be targeted appropriately. Don’t anonymize her behind her husband for stuff that she directly said herself.

I can’t find myself to care about their separation/divorce, it’s their private business and should not be treated as some kind of public spectacle, but as someone whose parents split, I just hope it’s not too hard on the kiddos. Sophie and the kids have had to put up with a lot considering the amount of hatred that has

I’m still kinda astonished that Pierre managed to date - while Prime Minister - Barbra Streisand, Kim Cattrall, and Margot Kidder. And Pierre was no spring chicken for those last two, but the man had the kind of charisma that could defeat a referendum on Quebec’s separation all by himself. 

THIS would be Canada’s most punchable face. Kinja, I give you Pierre Poilievre — he’s Canada’s Trump and he’s using the Trump playbook in a bid to become Prime Minister. His supporters can’t even pronounce his name, much less spell it, so to help them out, you may refer to him as Lil’ PP (yes, his supporters would be

Speaking as someone from Canada, I would have a reallllly hard time calling his face the “Most punchable”. I can think of atleassst.. half a dozen other politicians in government who are far more worthy of that title for the things that come out of their mouths on a regular basis. There’s a certain politician from New

His parents were the least boring couple Canada ever had on Sussex. Pierre dated Kim Catrell and Barbara Streisand. His mom dated Jack Nicholson and partied with the Rolling Stones.

Is this writer a far-right shitposter? If so, how did they get hired by Jezebel?


I immediately thought of that picture, and/or the one of Ivanka ogling Justin. That might rankle with Donald even more than Melania’s defection to Canada.

They both posted the same message on their Instagram but do we know that she’s the one that decided to end things?

I hope Sophie lives her best life. As for him, new couple alert!!! Only because I think Trump might stroke out