
Counterpoint: the worst store is the one I go to with my husband. He takes FOREVER. Like a grocery store trip will take me 45 minutes. Him? Like and hour and a half. Buying pants? I can be in and out of a store in 45 minutes with 3 pairs of pants (or 5 minutes with no pants), and I would never drag Mr. Winesnob with

I know who I’m voting to die in this scenario, Internet stranger!

You’ve tried the water/lemon juice immersion? It’s not QUITE as good, but still very edible. Especially if you scrape off the thin layer that touched the water.

So, like, how big’s your duck?

I’m fascinated by things like this, and even dabbled with barefoot running after reading Born to Run. (Spoiler: if you don’t train, it doesn’t matter what’s on your feet; running will still be miserable).

Not CTE exactly, but looks a lot like brain damage in living ex-players

I was mocked by Minnesotans for my Canadian accent! Fucking Minnesotans!

I also break the rule, but with a running joke that I’ve got the local pizza place on speed dial. Haven’t had to call yet, but I’ll do it if I really like something.

How about ‘elderly gentleman’?

I don’t think the flag thing made me made, just exasperated. Because you’re right: a flag doesn’t make you not an asshole.

I know not all white Americans are aweful, I mean Stephan Colbert is one of yours!

Holy shit, I had no idea we were code for black people. That’s... weird? I don’t even know how to feel.

Wait, what’s ‘canadian’ a dog whistle for?

Coming up on five of marriage, but more like 13 total. May have lived in sin with the Mr. for a while.

I agree with you, but that’s why I think it’s so important that I call. I don’t want politicians to think it’s just rednecks and racists with a voice.

A Canadian Senator is suggesting we actively pursue dreamers being deported, because they:

I know cheerleading has a terrible reputation for concussions, and I can see how.gymnastics might, too. I haven’t seen any indication that soccer is anywhere near as bad - not that there aren’t concussions, but I don’t see their frequency being anywhere near that of football. To say nothing, of course of the

Cool. I try to stay off twitter, but I’ll make an exception right now. For the record, I did actually send an email. I called him a toxic asset.

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