
I made it 1:23 into it before I had to turn it off. I’m on a GO train...people are gonna wonder why I’m bawling :(

Pits& Bits!

Yes, and sometimes that’s true. My father in law is a salesman. He ditched the 10 year old Benz for a newer Buick because he felt the Mercedes was losing his sales - even though it was a cheaper vehicle.

I’m also wondering about this. Not for overcast, I use podkicker, but I can’t find a URL, or RSS feed to add it :(

Then you ought to be familiar with this position:

I guess you’ve never ridden a bike in trying circumstances. If you don’t throw your butt back you risk and endo.

If you unclip, you basically have no contact with your peddles (small, slick peddles + slick, hard plastic shoe sole), so you can’t move your weight around and break properly.

Annie’s song by John Denver

I think ‘chef’ might be too strong. No one needs a chef to dump some chobani in a bowl. Or slap some bread and cheese together and cut off the crusts. My 6 year old nephew can manage that.

Glad to see rip off artists sum 41 are well represented.

It’s very counterintuitive, but my son started sleeping much better once we started weaning him. Before that, he was up All. The. Time. If nothing else works, that might do the trick.

I switched up my birth control, and the new hormone mix was NOT GOOD.

Your username is glorious.

I’m in the penalty box (woot woot hockey)!

The Sedins always puzzled me: they could sure score goals in the regular season, but they never seemed built for the playoffs and not just because they aren’t fighters. They seem to lack that extra gear really great athletes (Lebron, Crosby etc) have. There are players who will carry their teams on their backs. And

Very Seattle-esque indeed. If they aren’t breaking the rules, injuring players, or being especially vulgar, I figure it’s fair game.

-The seahawks have won a championship.

I watched the canucks game with a canucks fan where bertuzzi hit Moore. There response? Oh, a penalty? C’mon, that hit wasn’t that bad.

They remind me of canucks fans.