I'm pretty sure this is actually Travis, not Weezer. So says Wikipedia.
I'm pretty sure this is actually Travis, not Weezer. So says Wikipedia.
Have you never heard of cellphone chicken? Everyone puts their phone in a stack. It remains there until dinner is done. If someone breaks and goes for their phone, they buy dinner.
My first roommate used to sit on the living room couch and file his toenails with a swiss army knife. After a bit of filing, he'd LICK the file. So it went: file, file, file, file, LICK, file, file, file...
So many options!
Have you looked into used/vintage? Pawn shops and thrift shops can be your friend!
I didn't know that colours were a thing until people started asking if I'd picked them (I'm a heterosexual gal, fwiw). I told them I was just going to to throw darts to pick, so likely black and yellow.
I have refused to watch this movie, but your list is fantastic!
Thank you for posting this. The last scene left me totally adrift. I feel better now, like there's a map or something.
Okay, so that's all very messed up. Though given how difficult it can be to find an audience for a novel, I guess publishers just figure one already exists for these fics. Pretty crazy.
So E.L. James thinks there can be only one true twilight fanfic? WTF.
Wait, for real? For what? You don't by chance have links, do you?
Fuck that noise. Those things ARE NOT FLUSHABLE. My century old drain stack is not going to respond well to what is essentially cloth being flushed. You are a shitty, shitty guest if you plug someones toilet with wipes.
That's insane. I hit the deck playing sports, but I don't start by jumping into the air. Mind you, I don't have the fun bouncy surface, either.
Was that butt-drop thing she did at about a minute into the first clip a move? Like do other gymnasts do it? I saw that and felt my spine break, but I know nothing about gymnastics.
Also, stirring an empty pan. This video is hot, but would be hotter if her were cooking me dinner. WINESNOB WANTS AN OMELETTE.
Fair point. I know that the editing on reality tv doesn't always...realistic.
you mean robertsons, right?
I'm all for looking out for a other women in skeevy situations, but a word of caution that sometimes the well meaning woman can become the skeevy one. My mother once asked a woman to keep an eye on me on a flight to Georgia when I was 16 or so. After much misadventure, it ended with her wanting to share a room with…
I do not watch this show, but from the clip I saw, it looked like the rumba was previously selected as her favourite dance. If you're on a reality show, do you not automatically assume that everything you say to anyone associated with the show can and will be used against you?