
Once the cat got explosive diarrhea in the master bedroom and my daughter came in while I was scrubbing the carpet and told me to clean it really well because that wasn’t a smell anyone would want to smell while you were in bed “hugging and touching each other’s faces.”

Everything or more has to be cut, funny only thing not getting cut and it’s more than half our budget is Military. Anyone see the problem here?

Nice numbers! You forgot to mention that the VAST majority, dwarfing everything else combined twice over, is defense. You can lump anything in with defense and do that. “Grants on field mice and Defense spending are 58% of the budget! Field Mice grants are out of control!

You’re wrong my friend! Entitlement benefits are NOT part of the “budget spending”! It is an entirely self-funded program. Stop listening to MSM and do some actual research! If Congress would stop stealing from the S. S. account to pay for regime change military programs and start taxing “ALL” income for Social

Maybe we should just have the tax evading millionaire that is Trump provide protection for his own family rather than have tax payers paying millions for the entire president elect’s family, huh? That seems like a better way to save some money than preventing people from accessing medical care, food or shelter, yeah?

30 plus years of public service meanwhile trumps name to fame is for being a corrupt businessman yet Hillary is the crook.

Where are you getting your information from? Military spending is a much larger portion of the budget than entitlement programs.

Federal spending is high, but don’t just go blaming Obama. He’s brought the deficit spending down every year he’s been in office, and it spiked to record highs the last year of Bush’s administration when the government layed out tons of cash to try and curb the ‘08 recession. Yes, the actual debt has gone up, but

You are right. He did double the debt. Here is a question for you, however. When and how was that debt accumulated? The majority of it was spent to bail us out of the financial crisis and to pay for the war he inherited. Obama has not been a profligate spender. He had to deal with the chaos he was handed. You

I had a long winded, fact-filled rant ready to go, but I decided to simplify it for Trump people.

Social Security medicare and medicaid are not ‘entitlement programs’ for many many people who use them. Do some actual research and stop watching Fox news.

cut spending. bring in revenue.



One in hole!

“Which of my freedoms was Hillary promising to restrict?”

People seem to think the candidate they vote for has to complete them. I’m sure the same people rarely vote in midterm elections or for local issues. It’s so hard to find a deeply passionate shared life essence with a local Planning and Zoning board candidate.

“I don’t know how anyone expects Americans to choose between that”

Didn’t you hear, she was going to take away all of your guns. Just like Obama both of his terms. He took away so many guns, you now have negative guns. And “Killary” was going to take away even more. That’s like double negative guns!!!!! And don’t forget she’s a lying crooked liar! And saint Trump is a beacon

Yes, one was a literal fascist who is advised by a neo-Nazi and has said he will declare martial law in the “inner cities,” institute nationwide stop & frisk in violation of the Supreme Court, institute religious tests for entry into the country and create a literal Deportation Force with nebulous authority to round