
Not snarky, I'm wondering the same thing. Slicing it like this (taking the sides off, leaving the cross section containing the pit) seems like your wasting so much of the fruit.

Perspective, again. I saw that as a dig at her own privilege. Like she was admitting that as a well-educated, affluent white woman, she never had to think about things like this before.

It's a matter of perspective. I read the same paragraph (It's not easy. To qualify, you must be pregnant or up to six months postpartum....) and read it as her trying to educate the reader that's it's not so simple as walking in and saying "give me stuff". This article was addressed to people that haven't been on

Also, for many "assets" the money you would get for selling it is so trivial it typically doesn't justify the loss of use. Let's say you have a 46" flat screen TV. You can sell it for ~200-300 dollars, if you can find a buyer, or get ~100 dollars at the pawn shop. 100 dollars doesn't do much in the long run- it won't

The man is complaining because he thought he won one thing, when in fact he won a less expensive thing. If you went to the mall and there was a basketball hoop set up that said "Make a Shot and Win a Prize!" with a brand new Playstation or something sitting near the sign. You would probably assume you could win the

I recently read an article pointing out that being poor isn't a solid state for most people. WHile there are the chronically poor, many people are like this woman: situationally poor, meaning that they fall on hard times for awhile and then pull out of it. The statistic was that something like 1 in 3 people will find

Also, most people that have been solidly middle class and fall into poverty believe it to be a temporary situation (sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't). Holding on to an asset that represents that that life is holding on to the hope that you'll return to that life. Disposing of all your assets can feel like

I'll forward your email address to my aunt.

My best friend and I have been saying this for years. My parents, my two siblings, two grandparents and I lived on $35,000 of income for ten years, and then added maybe another $10,000 to that from my Dad's social security. In that time, we used SNAP, had Medicaid, and lived in a 1200 sq. foot house. For seven

Look for signs of Quentin Tarantino (60s music playing in the background, people giving weird film-student monologues for no reason, the feeling that you're in a non-linear universe, etc.). If you see them, you ain't got no problem, Jules. He's on the motherfucker. Go back in there, chill them out, and wait for the

Vote: Warby Parker

Warby Parker (

comparing it to other countach images, I see things that make me say kit.

This is the worst conversation in history.

'As the snow silently falls on the town square, it is the picturesque scene described by writers and film countless times as the small town cliche. It is the picture of piece, the penultimate view of purity and solitude....then Akbar comes silently sliding through the parking lot windows down, cranking White Snake in

Rock out with your caulk out.

Annnnd the hypothetical land has already been sold for $4.2 billion dollars.

It needs a howling wolf at sunset mural on the side.

Yea, I mean, I don't usually like to comment on an interior until I actually sit inside of it, but there is just no way this is a 9/10. That's just ridiculous. 9/10 should be reserved for just a step below the best interiors. Now, "best" interior is different depending on the car the interior is in. For example, a