El Limpia-Ventanas

Yeah let's conveniently forget the Toronto series. 

Yes!  And all of them in just one year! WOW!

Who is that (I’m assuming it’s a) short hair girl, second from right to left?

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A double dose of The Jayhawks from their latest two releases.

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For the guy who bragged about having watched some 25000 baseball games in his life in the Hernán Pérez article.

Oh aren’t we grand. I’m not worthy, Your Baseballness.

Kinda hard to believe when the first thing you hear from them is Staying Alive and all that kind of songs, but yes, their early stuff is very good.

If you mean a balk, runners on base, man.

a variety of new abilities you’ll quickly find you can’t live without.

Any other team for that matter.

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There’s nothing at the end of the rainbow.
There’s nothing to grow up for anymore.

Loved your review but that green background blinded me.

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Can’t play the video right now but I remember they sample this song:

Gotta try every browser you have installed until one works.

Tom House. Is that the same who had Texas Rangers pitchers warm up by throwing footballs?

Very good. A team filled with one dimensional players can’t be any good.